In the third episode of "Madam Secretary" Season 2, titled "The Rusalka," fans will watch as their favorite Russian traitor and soon to be U.S. spy Dmitri (Chris Petrovski) is kidnapped.

According to Spoilers Guide, several times already Dmitri has been forced to choose between a bad idea and an even worse idea. Just as the U.S. government and Henry McCord (Tim Daly) were getting close to turning Dmitri into a spy for the American government, the plan takes a step backward.

Season 2 of "Madam Secretary" has presented one issue after another, with each episode gathering more intensity. It looks as if fallout from the events in Episode 2 will come quickly to nearly every major character.

In the upcoming episode, Dmitri is kidnapped and interrogated for being a Russian spy. It is unclear from the promotional clip who exactly kidnaps him, but whoever it is believes he is spying for the Russian government, not on them.

Dmitri is once again placed in a compromising position that fans know all too well. He is innocent from every conceivable angle, but cannot get out of this situation, no matter who he calls for help.

Meanwhile, Secretary McCord (Téa Leoni) also meets resistance from the Russian government, especially in regards to the death of the Russian leader -- or the appearance thereof as seen in the last episode.

With the madam secretary receiving hostility, President Dalton's (Keith Carradine) administration now has to find some way to work through the international politics and still show the Russian government that there are consequences to treating the U.S. that way.

Episode 3 will air on CBS on Sunday, Oct. 18 at 8:30 p.m. ET, according to TV Guide.

See the preview for the next episode below.