Thief is dominating the global video game sales charts this week along with Tales of Symphonia Chronicles and Harvest Moon: Linking The New World, according to VG Chartz.

Interestingly enough, there is a great deal of variety among the top games on the global chart. Thief holds the number 1 and 2 spot on the PS4 and Xbox One platforms respectively, while third-place ranking Tales of Symphonia Chronicles climbed up on the PS3 and Harvest Moon: Linking the New World is popular on the 3DS.

The high popularity of Thief could be considered somewhat surprising after IGN only gave the game a 6.8 ranking.

In a review of the game for IGN, Dan Stapleton elaborated upon the best parts and worst aspects of the game.

"Every guard you come across in a stealth game is a sort of puzzle," he wrote. "How do I get past this guy without being spotted? Or do I put an arrow through his face? That's the kind of thing Thief does well, using nice-looking shadows and scenarios with multiple paths to make us think before we steal. Everything else, from a clunky story and flat characters to a frustrating mess of a central map made me wish that this Thief reboot hadn't bothered trying to connect those scenarios with fiction at all."

In other news, the PS4 is still on top of the charts in terms of game consoles sold, but the Xbox One is currently selling better than its counterpart in the United States In the latest weekly hardware chart posted by VGChartz, 43,784 PlayStation 4 units were sold in America in the past week while 48,269 Xbox One units were purchased.

What do you think of these rankings among video games and console sales? Let us know in the comments section located below.