The thrilling TV adaptation of Philip K. Dick's alternative history novel "The Man in the High Castle" has been produced by Amazon, and the entire country will get to watch the fist two episodes for free this weekend.

According to Deadline, the series will premiere Episodes 1 and 2 for the show this weekend starting first thing Friday morning (Pacific time) and ending at the closing moments of Sunday (also Pacific time). After that, both episodes will be available for all Prime members to stream as part of their buffet package.

The show is an alternative history piece that takes place in the 1960s and follows the nation after World War II. But in this reality, the Axis powers won the war, and they have successfully taken over the United States.

The two main powers that occupy the U.S. are Germany and Japan. They have split the country in half, with Japan occupying the western U.S. and Germany taking the eastern part of the fractured nation.

There are many avenues this dramatic thriller explores, but none so much as the rising band of rebels that are seeking to dismantle the occupation. Since the series takes place in the 1960s, fans can expect the counter-culture era to be squashed by the oppressive Nazi and Japanese regimes.

The series stars some of today's most impressive talents, such as Alexa Davlos, Rupert Evans, Luke Kleintank, Rufus Sewell, DJ Qualls, Joel De La Fuente and Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa.

The show was created and executive produced by Frank Spotnitz. He is also joined at the executive producer chair by Ridley Scott, David Zucker, Isa Dick Hackett and David Semel.

For those who subscribe to Amazon's Prime network of buffet video streaming, the entire series will premiere on Nov. 20 for unlimited viewing.

Fans who do not have Prime and want to watch both episodes, you can go to the Amazon website and see it for free this weekend.

See the exciting trailer below.