‘Fallout 4’ Updates: New Abilities, Weapons, Default Controls, Complete PS4 Trophy & Xbox One Achievement List Revealed
Baseball fever is real and even the "Fallout 4" post-apocalyptic world isn't exempt. A new baseball-themed weapon recently emerged as part of the arsenal, and more abilities and controls are revealed ahead of its near release.
New gameplay footage was released on Bethesda Game Studios' Facebook page, highlighting a deliciously powerful and gory weapon: the pimped-out baseball bat. This particular bat has nails all over to make it extra-effective.
A report from Game Spot revealed that this feature lets players implement the Grand Slam, which means to bash the enemy's head off his body. Along with a peek at the violence the new weapon can provide, the 14-second clip also offers a peek at the post-apocalyptic world including a deserted Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox.
"Team with most votes gets this perk," the Facebook caption read, before appealing to the fans of the World Series teams. "Like for Royals. Comment for Mets."
Also providing new details on the upcoming "Fallout 4" is WCCF Tech, who recently reported about a leaked game manual that revealed the default control scheme for Xbox One, plus new abilities that players can look forward to in the game. The full leak is on the Xbox One Smartglass App.
Most notably, the manual revealed a button to throw a grenade (hold RB), and new abilities Bash (RB) and Sprint (click L) buttons to make playing more efficient for "Fallout 4" users.
The full trophies and achievements list has also been unveiled and published on Exophase. Counting the Platinum Trophy, achieved when a player has collected all the other trophies, there is a total of 51 trophies in the selection. Some are expected such as collecting Bobbleheads to get the "They're Not Dolls..." and "...They're Action Figures" trophies.
Like any other trophy list, the achievements listed can give players an idea about the upcoming "Fallout 4" game. A report from Eurogamer listed possible storylines that were hinted by the trophies available, including sporting events from "Homerun!" and "Touchdown!" trophies that would likely take place in the Fenway Park setting.
The "Reunions" trophy, which shows an icon of a baby being chased, could also be significant by having the survivor seek his lost baby or child. "The Nuclear Option" shows the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Big Dome being blown up, so the plot could include an event similar to the "Fallout 3" memorable Megaton destruction.
"Fallout 4" for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC will be launched on Nov. 10.
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