Latino lawmakers and organizations are strengthening their opposition to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s scheduled hosting appearance on NBC’s “Saturday Night Live.”

On Monday, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) adopted an official statement opposing Trump's hosting appearance, currently set for Nov. 7. The CHC statement acknowledged Trump's invitation to host the NBC program, but the caucus also recognized Trump's statements toward Latino and immigrant communities. Specifically, the CHC highlighted Trump's comments referring to Mexican immigrants as criminals, drug dealers and rapists, which he uttered during his presidential campaign launch last June.

In addition to highlighting events that were reportedly fueled by Trump's immigration rhetoric, such as the two white men attacking a Latino in Boston and a white woman tearing a Latino's sign that read, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter," the CHC called for NBCUniversal, Broadway Video and "SNL" executive producer Lorne Michaels to disinvite the Republican presidential candidate.

The CHC statement added, "... because racism is not funny."

"Be it further resolved, that the Congressional Hispanic Caucus urges NBCUniversal to stand by its earlier commitment to end its relationship with Mr. Trump because the values of 'respect and dignity for all people' are more important than ratings and ad revenues," the statement continued.

According to CHC member Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., he is "glad" the caucus voted to oppose Trump's "SNL" appearance, which was approved by two-third of the 26 Latino members comprising of the CHC.

"When a TV personality calls Mexicans and Latinos criminals and rapists, a corporate network should not give him 90-minutes of free air time in an entertainment venue without his first apologizing to the American people," Gutiérrez said in a statement.

"Did I miss an apology? Did Trump do what Paula Deen or any other TV personality has to do after they make racist comments in public in order to get back on the air?"

Meanwhile a coalition of Latino organizations is scheduled to protest outside Rockefeller Center on Wednesday. Known as the "SNL Dump Trump Rally," the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, the League of United Latin American Citizens, National Council of La Raza, National Hispanic Media Coalition and the Campaign for Fair Latino Representation are among the growing lists of co-sponsors participating in the Nov. 4 event.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Statement Opposing Donald Trump Hosting SNL:


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