In the past months, "The Tonight Show" host Jimmy Fallon underwent series of unfortunate mishaps that caused him numerous injuries and while he detailed them all out comically in his talk show, others aren't finding it funny as they believe it could be due to something problematic.

As previously reported by Latin Post, the funny man had went into an emergency hospital tour after he fell to the ground while gripping a bottle of Jagermeister. Although his crash lead him into nothing serious, fans were concerned of his welfare as he partied in Massachusetts during his receipt of the Elmer Award by the Harvard Lampoon.

Months before he got into the Massachusetts accident, he spilled during his show that he almost lost a finger after tripping off to a rug while at home. The accident prompted the host to cancel one of his show's taping, and then detailed it out eventually, saying that he had a "ring avulsion."

Those were only the two recent accidents that Fallon had encountered. All of those sounded funny, until he made into headlines revealing that he isn't just susceptible to accidents. Instead, he is hiding his substance abuse, specifically with alcohol.

According to Perez Hilton, executives at NBC were worried about the host's drinking problem as he is getting out of control with the substance.

In fact, New York Post shares that a bartender who has been serving Fallon for years called the host "a mess" because of his sobriety issues, adding "I love him."

The tipster further revealed that at one point, Fallon was so happily wasted as he bagged the hosting stint for "The Tonight Show" that he partied all night long until 5 a.m.

Vulture says in 2014 that one of Fallon's friends, Seth Herzog, said "everyone in New York has a Jimmy Fallon story," all of them revealing how Fallon has been proved to be a happy drunk. "It's always like, 'In 2000, Jimmy threw this dude out of a bar, or poured his beer on someone, or got on a table and sang a song.'" Herzog added.

However, despite the allegations, Fallon's friends come at his back to defend the embattled host, as per Daily Mail.

"Reports of Jimmy's out-of-control drinking are simply not true. No one is 'worried," his friend said, adding that it isn't also true that Fallon's marriage with his wife, Nancy Juvonen, is in peril.

"His marriage is strong and solid and he is very much in love with his wife. He spends all his spare time with her and their young daughters," the source close to Fallon added.