In a sequel to the 2013 presidential thriller "Olympus Has Fallen," a new film entitled "London Has Fallen" will approach a similar setup as the original, but take the action overseas.

In a new trailer just released for the sequel, fans get to see the heroic U.S. president, played by Aaron Eckhart, who has an annoying habit of staying alive, thanks to Secret Service agent Gerard Butler's super abilities.

According to Deadline, in the film, Eckhart and Butler head to the British capital of London, where the prime minister has died under mysterious circumstances. In attendance for his funeral are six of the world's most powerful leaders, and the event is said in the trailer to be "the most protected place on Earth."

But as fans can already presume, there is a flaw in security. Multiple explosions wreck the British capital, taking out five of the six world leaders. The U.S. president remains alive, but unaccounted for. Thankfully, he has Butler at his side.

This is where the bad guy enters the stage. Having already destroyed London and killed many of the world's top leaders, he is close to his ultimate goal. The speaker of the house, played by Morgan Freeman, must make some hard choices, as he faces the terrorist.

Meanwhile, the evil mastermind is bent on killing the president and threatening to destroy more capitals if he doesn't get his way. It appears London is just the start of his ominous agenda, as the action starts to boil over with intense scenes of violence and mayhem.

Fans will get to see the film on March 4, 2016, when it debuts in U.S. theaters.

See the action-packed trailer below.