In a newly released video from the set of "War for the Planet of the Apes," director Matt Reeves and actor Andy Serkis (Caesar) have a very special offer to a lucky fan -- to be in the movie as an ape.

According to Deadline, the producers for the film along with Reeves and Sirkis have decided to run a contest for a talented fan who can give off their best impression of an ape. They are looking for someone who can really capture the movements of the creature.

The main idea for this video contest is for one of their fans to be featured in the movie that can obviously pull off a non-speaking role and authentically pull off their best impression of how an ape moves.

Of course this gives new meaning to the knuckle-dragging paradigm. You're going to have to be a little better than your average thick-skulled meat-head because real apes do not move like a drunken buffoon.

The contest for this is fairly simple. The producers wish to see a video for your best ape-like impression in a video that can be uploaded to their YouTube submissions channel.

There is only room for one participant to join the film, but if that person is you then you will get flown to the set of the production and featured in the movie in full costume, or we should see full digital technology.

For those who are reading this and hoping to get in your best acting chops, there is no need to rush. But you do need to be entered into the contest by Nov. 30.

The campaign for this film does not begin until July 14, 2017. You just film your ape impression and upload it. It really is as simple as that.

Watch the video below.