The model revealed that her crown was revoked the day after she won the competition. Tamara Fernández, a Miss World hopeful, claims that being a mother to a 2-year-old girl cost her the Miss Argentina crown.
The 19-year-old pitcher from Sinaloa made his major league debut Friday night, lasting less than three innings. Based on how memorable Latino pitchers fared in their first career appearance, Urias has nothing to worry about.
The model was attacked on the street and mugged by two unidentified men. Jan Emanuelli-Cleland, otherwise known as Mr. Puerto Rico 2016, was assaulted by two strangers on May 15 and was left bruised with various injuries.
Conservative politicans across Central and North America may not like it, but young voters increasingly supports LGBTQ rights. Mexico is just the most recent example of a country accepting social change.
Aimed at boosting its Latino audience, Netflix has partnered with Univision to coproduce some new shows for next year. The announcement was made at Univision's upfronts for 2016 in New York, in which the media company presented its programming plans to advertisers.
On Thursday, Brazil's Senate voted 55 to 22 to suspend President Dilma Rousseff, the first step in bringing an impeachment trial against the controversial, embattled national figure.
Millennials find themselves at a cultural crossroads, the intersection between identifying with their roots while increasingly acculturating to the U.S. mainstream.
A new study found that Latinos are especially bad about distracted driving. A new study found that Latinos are especially bad about distracted driving.
Two huge, fascinating trends are converging in the U.S.: the rise of connectivity through social media and mobile technology and the rise of Latino millennials in population and also economic and cultural influence.
Cinco de Mayo is fast approaching and there will a number of events that will allow the celebration of this American made holiday. Many restaurants will be hosting parties and some will have some great drink and dinner specials. Best of all there will be great music. Here is a list of great spots in New York that will be great for the celebration.
The largest beer brewer in Venezuela has shuttered operations, citing declining currency shortages. Polar Beer, which is estimated to brew 80 percent of all Venezuelan beer, recently announced it had closed its last plant. Beer is estimated to account for 70 percent of all the alcohol consumed across the country.
The beginning of May marks the start of National Small Business Week this year, and just in time comes the 2016 list of the best and worst places in America for Latino entrepreneurs to start up their enterprises. Where should you start building your dream?