
Hispanic Investors Are Hungry for Knowledge and Want to Be Educated on Investments and Savings

Nearly 75 percent of surveyed Hispanics indicated that they wished they had learned more about managing finances when they were growing up, compared to 61 percent of U.S. investors overall. Also, 45 percent said, "no one ever taught them about savings and investing."

Immigrant Youth Need Obamacare, Affordable Care Act Healthcare Coverage, Sexual Risk Behaviors Vary by Acculturation

Based on their degree of acculturation, Hispanic millennials exhibit different levels of sexual risk behaviors. The language spoken by Hispanic millennials and their place of birth likely determines attitudes and behaviors in regards to sex, says a study conducted by the Journal of Adolescent Health.

Ebola Virus Outbreak News & Symptoms Update 2014: Gates Foundation Commits $50 Million to Fight Disease

Gates Foundations commits $50 million to Ebola virus outbreak A $50 million contribution to support an emergency response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa was announced Wednesday by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Associated Press reported.

US Latino Unemployment Rate: 1.9 Million Latinos Unemployed But Millions More Not in Labor Force, Says Report

The U.S. Latino unemployment rate has declined based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics' August report, but the number of people employed and not in the labor force depict a different picture.

Internet Slowdown Day Hits as FCC's Tom Wheeler Hints at Neutrality Rules for Wireless

On Wednesday, Netflix, Digg, Reddit, Tumblr, and many others took part in an online protest reminiscent of the 2011 anti-SOPA action to protest against the Federal Communications Commission's planned new Open Internet policy and the "fast lanes" proposal associated with it. Meanwhile, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler hinted this week at expanding Net Neutrality-type protections to wireless broadband.

Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure: Adding Customers is the Key

See what Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure thinks will turn Sprint around. In an increasingly competitive U. S. wireless market, there are four major national carriers: Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile.

Employment Opportunities & Job Openings: Latino Millennials Optimistic About Future as Unemployment Figures Drop

Employment in the U.S. has been capricious of late, but the economic assault dealt by The Great Recession only helped to stagger job opportunities and heighten unemployment rates, particularly for non-whites. That said, new job numbers show that last month saw a decrease in Latino unemployment.

Obamacare Medicaid Expansion Prompts Increase in Hospital Emergency Visits

With the Affordable Care Act implemented and the direct expansion of Medicaid, hospital emergency rooms have seen an increase in patients seeking medical attention.

AT&T iPhone 6/Plus Price & Data Plans: Carrier Offers Credit to Customers Who Buy a New Apple Smartphone

It's more expensive without contract. After Apple showed off the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus via its live-stream from the company's release event today in Cupertino, California, many AT&T users will undoubtedly be looking forward to getting the new smartphone.

Verizon iPhone 6/Plus Price & Data Plans: Carrier Offers $200 Trade-In Gift Card for iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5c, 5s

It's more expensive without contract. After Apple showed off the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus via its live-stream from the company's release event today in Cupertino, California, many Verizon users will undoubtedly be looking forward to getting the new smartphone.

New iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Ad Stars Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake

Apple pulls out the stops for iPhone 6 release As usual, Apple marked the announcement of the newest iPhone on Tuesday with a well-attended and heavily cheered keynote address.

Comcast-Time Warner Merger: FCC Promotes Competition, Comcast Not Worried

As federal regulators saddle up to the job of poring over a potential merger between cable giants Comcast and Time Warner Cable, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler delivered a speech last week that seemed to strike a dagger into the heart of the deal. Comcast, however, doesn't seem to think so.

Sprint and T-Mobile Offer New Trade-In Programs

As companies like Apple and Samsung are poised to roll out fresh new gadgets for the upcoming holiday season, rival carriers Sprint and T-Mobile both announced more lucrative trade-in plans for those looking to snag a new smartphone.

Apple iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Pricing and Features: Apple's Tuesday Media Event Unveils Largest iPhone Ever

New iPhones are the biggest in company's history Prior to Tuesday's media event, Apple was rumored to be preparing a bigger-than-ever iPhone and on Tuesday it revealed two of them.

Gun Control News, Pros & Cons: Panera Tells Its Patrons to Stop Bringing Guns to Store

Café chain Panera Bread has announced a new policy, following other retailers like Starbucks, Chipotle and Target, banning guns from their shops

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Mexican Ministries Sign Cross-Border Education, Foreign Affairs Agreement

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's three-day trip to Mexico resulted in an agreement regarding an education and foreign affairs collaboration and partnership, but immigration was not on the table.

US Open 2014: Celebrity Chef Richard Sandoval Serves Up Top-Flight Cuisine at U.S. Open [Exclusive]

Richard Sandoval of New York's Maya Restaurant is enjoying his stint as a guest chef at the U.S. Open, providing him with an opportunity to combine his two passions: tennis and food.

Brand Loyalty Among U.S. Hispanics: the Myth vs the Reality

Based on longstanding statistics, it's expected that the same brand of toothpaste or toilet paper will be found in a Latino household for an entire lifetime -- a loyalty that might even be inherited by younger generations.

Olive Garden Offers $100 Never-Ending Pasta Pass For Seven Weeks

The pass will also get your guests free soft drinks. Olive Garden is really running with the never-ending pasta theme. Today the Italian chain restaurant sold 1,000 Never Ending Pasta passes for $100 each.

Swedish-Owned Electrolux Buys GE Appliances for $3.3 Billion

Swedish company AB Electrolux, who owns the companies Electrolux and Frigidaire, has bought GE Appliances for $3.3 billion.
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