
From Liquor to Antiseptics: How a Venezuelan Distillery Is Responding to COVID-19

Santa Teresa Distillery responds to COVID-19 by making antiseptic alcohol instead of just rum. It is also donating most of its alcohol production to neighboring communities.
Top 4 Tips to Boost Your Business's Sales Volume in 2020

Top 4 Tips to Boost Your Business's Sales Volume in 2020

Whether you run an SME business or a large corporation, you need to ramp up your business's sales volume. Otherwise, it doesn't stand a chance in today's highly competitive environment. Here I've discussed top four tips that can potentially increase sales volume and grow your business:

Gov. Newsom to Give Financial Assistance to Businesses and Help Unemployed Californians

Find out how Governor Newsom will help small businesses and unemployed Californians. (Photo : Wikimedia) On Thursday, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that a financial relief package will be given to small businesses in California.
 ICE i-9 Audit Questions and Answers with Attorney Nick Oberheiden

ICE I-9 Audit Questions and Answers with Attorney Nick Oberheiden

Under the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), all U.S. employers are required to verify the "identity and employment authorization" of their employees. The means for doing so is through the completion of Form I-9, which is published by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), an agency within the U.S.

Sorry, Miss Chiquita Is at Home; Popular Brands Take On Social Distancing

Five famous brands have thought of a strategy to stay in line amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. They have twisted up their logos to encourage social distance.

Companies Urged by Mexico's President to Pay Workers and Avoid Usury During COVID-19 Crisis

Mexico President Andres Manual Lopez Obrador, urged bosses "to act with their conscience" in compensating their staff. He said this during the regular morning news conference.

Amazon Employees at Staten Island Warehouse: Demand Closure of Facility and More

Find out here about the demands of Amazon Staten Island warehouse employees amid the COVID-19 crisis.

Workers From These Companies Have Conducted Strikes Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Find out here about the worker strikes in different businesses in the food industry. The COVID-19 crisis had affected a lot of sectors in the US. Employees of different food businesses are no exception to the harsh effects of the current crisis.

420 Branches Closed, Will Waffle House Survive COVID-19?

Find out how Waffle House is holding up amid the COVID-19 crisis in the US. (Photo : Wikimedia) The previous two have been a challenge for Joe Rogers, Jr.

Will Mexico's Power Plants Be Getting Upgrades?

Find out about the plans for Mexico's power plants. (Photo : Wikimedia) Profitability and water security are some of the major challenges for Mexico's plan to modernize its 60 hydroelectric plants, says an article.
COVID-19 Scare: Deadly But Profitable For Mexican Street Vendors

COVID-19 Scare: Deadly But Profitable For Mexican Street Vendors

Street vendors in Mexico are taking advantage of the present COVID-19 situation to sell hand sanitizers for as much as four times the supermarket price.
How Much Does It Cost To Open a Clothing Store

How Much Does It Cost To Open a Clothing Store

While The Initial Investment Required Is Considerable, Here Are Some Ways To Minimize Your Outlay So, you're thinking of opening a clothing store? While it's a tried and true retail concept, the cost to open your doors can be considerable, particularly if you want a brick-and-mortar location.

JOB ALERT! Here Are Some Companies That Are Hiring Amid the Current Economic Crisis

Here's a list of companies that are now looking for thousands of temporary and permanent roles that anyone can apply for.

The Multiple Auto Manufacturing Suspensions in Mexico

Find out here about the suspension of operations by various auto manufacturing firms in Mexico. (Photo : Wikimedia) The demand from the industrial sector of Mexico will be affected when state and federal authorities start the implementation of progressive measures to control the spread of the novel coronavirus, says an article.
Coronavirus Financial Implications: A Guide

Coronavirus Financial Implications: A Guide

From an economic perspective, the central issue lies in the level of disruption the economies are suffering due to containment measures.The chances are that the global economy will weaken even further, so it's critical for each citizen to understand the implications and try to do their share right. That way, it will be much easier to regain footing once the pandemic is done.
$2 Trillion Stimulus Package: $300 Billion is Allocated For Small Businesses

$2 Trillion US Stimulus Package: How Much Is Designated to Help Small Businesses?

Find out here about the $2 trillion stimulus package amid the COVID-19 crisis in the US. (Photo : Stocksnap) On Wednesday, the White House and the Senate agreed on a $2 trillion stimulus package to help stabilize the economy of the US during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Forecast on Small Businesses in the US Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Find out about the prediction on small businesses in the US amid the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. (Photo : Wikimedia) Many small businesses across the US are already feeling the effects of the COVID-19 crisis.
How is Automation Changing Career Dynamics?

How is Automation Changing Career Dynamics?

Automation is one of the leading technologies being developed within the workplace. Enabling businesses to implement fully automated solutions, it has the power to boost speed, efficiency and performance within the workplace.
Want to make money from home? Here are the things you can do

Want to Make Money from Home? Here are the Things You Can Do

For how long have you been dreaming about making money online? A month, a year, or some years? Having seen a lot of your friends selling this product and offering that service online, it must have been tough for you just to sit there and do nothing.
car manufacturer

Mexico: Second Home of International Automotive Producers Will Suspend Operations

More than 500 thousand Mexican automotive workers will soon loss their jobs as some of the international automotive manufacturers that are based in Mexico will suspend operations.
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