
Android M 6.0 Marshmallow Update Release Date: Samsung Galaxy Note 5, S6 Edge Plus on T-Mobile OTA Coming Soon

T-Mobile is finally going to release the Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow update to two very popular phones, the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus and Galaxy Note 5 over the air (OTA). Sometime before May 20, all T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus and Galaxy Note 5 devices should finally have their Marshmallow.

Latino Small Business Booms in Southern California, But Not Revenues

Business is booming for Latino entrepreneurs, especially in Southern California, where the growth in the number of Hispanic-owned businesses (HOBs) has bloomed despite the recession and tough economic recovery. But revenues for those enterprises haven't grown at the same pace.

Five Tips to Be Successful and Avoid Debt, According to Mark Cuban

Ever wonder how a millionaire got to where he is. Ever wonder what successful businessmen like Mark Cuban does to keep refreshed and continue to move forward with businesses. Here are some of the best tips that the entrepreneur and "Shark Tank" host does.

Diversity in Tech: Slack Hires Engineer Who Quit Twitter Citing Lack of Diversity

The software engineer that publicly called out Twitter for its stifling, un-diverse leadership culture while leaving the company last year has a new job at Slack.

Here's Five Tips Elon Musk Offers to Be Successful As Him

Ever wonder how to be successful. Ever wonder what successful businessmen like Elon Musk do. Well these are five useful tips from the business magnate, engineer, inventor and investor that will help you become an overachiever.

Congress Split Over Puerto Rico Debt Rescue Bill, Likely Won’t Meet May 1 Deadline

Several Republicans believe Puerto Rico can restructure its debt payment plan without U.S. government assistance, but letting the island nation falter would have a domino effect on U.S. taxpayers.

Steve Wozniak on Reddit AMA: Entrepreneurs' Most Common Mistake Is Not Hiring a Business Person

Steve Wozniak, one of the founders of Apple offered up a Reddit AMA recently in which he opened up about his opinions on growing businesses and the keys to success. Here are some takeaways from the Q&A.

Selena Quintanilla Mac Collection Coming This Fall

The Selena Quintanilla MAC Cosmetics line is set to hit stores just in time for the Christmas holiday shopping season.

Facebook F8 Keynote Speech Has Mark Zuckerberg Detailing Company's Roadmap for the Next 10 Years: VR Reality, Exploring New Platforms and Better Connectivity

It seems like Facebook users are in for some great news in the coming 10 years as Mark Zuckerberg announced new innovations for the next decade.

Immigration News: USCIS H-1B Cap Exhaustion Suggests Improved US Job Market But Will Cap Be Raised?

Applications for H1-B visas hitting their maximum limit of 85,000 over the first five days of being available is emblematic of an improving U.S. job market, particularly in the highly skilled area of technology.

'Last Week Tonight' Host John Oliver Attacks Error-Filled Credit Industry

John Oliver recently used his "Last Week Tonight" platform to scour the system and checks and balances known as credit reports.

Former Uber Driver To Launch Females-Only, Ride-Sharing Service; The Legal Pains He May Run Into

Chariot for Women is scheduled to formally launch across Massachusetts on April 19. The service is the brainchild of former Uber driver Michael Pelletz, who claims he was moved to launch the company after feeling threatened by one of his passengers.

Facebook Fighting Decline in Key Area: 'Content Collapse' But Could Be Blessing in Disguise

Remember those days when your friends would tell you, on Facebook, what they were eating for lunch or when they were taking a shower or doing other personal things?

Immigration News: USCIS Hits H-1B 2017 Fiscal Year Cap, Foreign Workers Visa Program Lottery Coming Soon

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), one of the three federal immigration agencies of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), announced it has reached its cap for the foreign workers visa program known as H-1B.

5 Ted Talks to Watch to Become a Better Leader

Ever wonder how to be a great leader? Ever wonder what great leaders did to become the best at what they do and create the companies they have. Well these five Ted Talks are great learning tools that will help your leadership skills and will bring you closer to being a better leader.

Puerto Rico Debt Moratorium Gets Praise from Governor Garcia Padilla While House Hearing Set for April 13

Puerto Rico approved legislation that will grant its governor, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, to suspend debt payments.

Are Latinos in the Panama Papers Leak? Lionel Messi and Spanish Director Named

Journalists in 78 countries spent the past year compiling the records on Panama firm Mossack Fonseca, which many of the world’s wealthiest businessmen turned to for their offshore business accounts.

Happy Birthday Robert Downey Jr.! Actor's Top Quotes on Advice for Success - 'Confidence to Move Forward'

Ever wonder what a superhero had to do to get to success. Well today on Robert Downey Jr.'s birthday also known as Iron Man, Latin Post will share some unforgettable quotes by the actor that are not only educational but also inspirational to all those who are trying to gain success in one way or another.

The Future of New York City: 'Sunken Skyscrapers'?

Is the future of New York sunken skyscrapers? This an interesting concept that designers and architects came up with for this year's eVolo Skyscraper Competition.

Chile's Economy on the Rise: Encouraging Data Reveals Surge in Latin American Markets

The positive impact brought about by the potential impeachment of Rousseff in Brazil has also trickled down into other Latin American markets. In Chile, promising economic data was also recorded.
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