The Affordable Care Act has had a profound effect on the historically underinsured Latino community, as the percentage of uninsured American Latinos lacking health coverage, ages 19 to 64, dropped from 36 percent to 23 percent between summer 2013 and spring 2014.
Mosquitoes with dengue suppressant released into Brazilian neighborhoods Mosquitoes carrying a bacteria that suppresses dengue fever are being released in Brazil, Vietnam, Australia and Indonesia in hopes of getting rid of the disease, BBC reported.
Cuba sends more medical professionals to fight Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa Cuba announced it will be sending 300 more nurses to help fight the Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa, Reuters reported.
Spain on Sunday sent a military plane to Sierra Leone to repatriate a Spanish Catholic priest working in the African country who has tested positive for the Ebola virus, the government said.
The second open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act's Federal Marketplace is scheduled to reopen in two months, and health care agencies have been learning how to decrease the rate of uninsured Latinos.
According to Health care officials, 115,000 immigrants are set to lose coverage they obtained thorough the Affordable Care Act at the end of this month.
Across 36 states, 115,000 people could lose their health insurance provided by the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, due to issues pertaining to citizenship and immigration status.
The facts: Domestic violence is a vicious game that no one wants to play, and yet countless individuals across the world are beaten on a daily basis. And domestic abuse, while experienced by men, is largely a gender-biased crime. Eighty-four percent of spousal abuse victims and 86 percent of victims in partner disputes are women, and men account for 75 percent of perpetrators in cases of domestic abuse.
Backlash has caused former Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce to resign as the Arizona Republican Party's first vice chair on the evening of Sunday, Sept. 14, after he made controversial remarks on his weekly radio show, shaming those who receive Medicaid assistance.
The ubiquitous and popular mani-pedi has salons competing for customers in over 2,000 licensed nail salons in New York City. But many of the salons, according to a new report, are often uninspected, and often toxic for workers and customers.
Texas asked a federal appeals court on Friday to allow the state to enforce its anti-abortion law requiring all clinics to upgrade their facilities to surgical standard.
Based on their degree of acculturation, Hispanic millennials exhibit different levels of sexual risk behaviors. The language spoken by Hispanic millennials and their place of birth likely determines attitudes and behaviors in regards to sex, says a study conducted by the Journal of Adolescent Health.
On Friday, Sept. 12, a hospital in Boston will hold a fundraiser in an effort to continue its goal of helping Latinos in America get access to health care.
With the Affordable Care Act implemented and the direct expansion of Medicaid, hospital emergency rooms have seen an increase in patients seeking medical attention.
Conventional thoughts about health and wellness are reinvented in the hands of Hispanic millennials, whose attitudes and behaviors regarding health, diet, and exercise, as well as health-related technology, insurance and the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) differ from their elders.
Support for the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, has increased in California as the Golden State prepares for the second enrollment period of the ACA.
New drug developed by South African researchers may reduce drug doses for TB patients Researchers are poised to test what may be the third drug approved for tuberculosis in 60 years, the Guardian reported last week.