
CDC Advisers Recommend These Groups as First Ones to Receive Coronavirus Vaccine

A group of independent experts advised the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Tuesday on who should get the first doses of the long-awaited coronavirus vaccine.
Members Of Coronavirus Task Force Hold A Briefing At The White House

CDC to Shorten Quarantine Period to 10 Days, 7 with Testing

The recommended quarantine period is set to be shortened by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to 10 days after exposure.

A First of Its Kind Alzheimer's Blood Test Goes on Sale

A new blood test claiming to detect brain plaque and help diagnose Alzheimer's disease goes on sale.
Coronavirus May Reach the Brain by Inhaling Though Nose, Study Suggests

Coronavirus May Infect Your Brain by Inhaling Through Nose, Study Suggests

The coronavirus can reach a person's brain after inhalation through the nose and getting stuck in nasal mucus, a new study found.
Birx Says Americans Who Attended Thanksgiving Gatherings, Traveled Need to Be Tested

Birx: Americans Who Traveled for Thanksgiving Should Assume They're Infected with COVID-19

Part of White House Coronavirus Task Force, Dr. Deborah Birx, warned that Americans who attended large gatherings and traveled during Thanksgiving should assume they were already infected with COVID-19.
Merriam-Webster Named ‘Pandemic’ 2020 Word of the Year

'Pandemic’ Declared as Word of the Year This 2020 by Merriam-Webster

Merriam-Webster chose its word of the year for 2020 and it's not a shocker: "pandemic."
US Officials Consider Giving Half Doses of Moderna Vaccine to Give More People Immunity

Moderna to Seek Emergency Authorization for COVID-19 Vaccine, Claims 100% Efficacy Against Severe Infection

Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine continued to show promising results as it yielded 94% efficacy and will move forward with an emergency approval request to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday.
Mouthwatering Pumpkin Rice Recipe You Shouldn't Want to Miss Trying

Mouthwatering Pumpkin Rice Recipe to Spice Up Your Holiday Meals

Here is a unique culinary recipe that will deliciously light up your holiday season, the pumpkin rice recipe from Super Lucky Elephant.
New Side Effect: COVID-19 Patients Suffer Tooth Loss, Anecdotal Evidence Reveals

New Side Effect: COVID-19 Patients Suffer Tooth Loss, Anecdotal Evidence Reveals

Tooth loss is seen as another side effect of having COVID-19, according to anecdotal evidence. Tooth loss is seen as another side effect of having COVID-19, according to anecdotal evidence.
Fauci Says It Could Be ‘Months’ Before School-Age Children Get COVID-19 Vaccine

Fauci Says It Could Be 'Months' Before School-Age Children Get COVID-19 Vaccine

Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Sunday that the COVID-19 vaccine will likely be unavailable for school-age children for "months."
Stomach ache

Tell-Tale Signs If Your Stomach Problems May Actually Be COVID-19

Stomach problems are known as some of the first signs of COVID-19 but with the overindulgence that came with Thanksgiving, it may be hard to know if you were just overly stuffed or you caught the coronavirus.
United Airlines Starts Shipping Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine to Distribution Centers

United Airlines Starts Shipping Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine to Distribution Centers

United Airlines Holdings Inc. began charter flights to send doses of Pfizer and BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine, ahead of approval from regulators.
Frontline Essential Workers, People Over 75 Next in Line for Vaccine – CDC Panel

CDC Advisers to Decide Next Week on Who Gets COVID-19 Vaccine First

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advisers had called an emergency meeting for Tuesday to discuss who should be the first to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
COVID-19 Pandemic Pushes Debate Over Driver's Licenses for Undocumented Workers

COVID-19 Pandemic Pushes Debate Over Driver's Licenses for Undocumented Workers

Essential workers kept food supplies moving from farms to supermarkets and took care of the elderly in nursing homes. However, thousands of them are undocumented immigrants who choose to risk driving without a license to keep their jobs.
Hispanic and Latino Americans Are More Likely to Have Type 2 Diabetes: CDC

Hispanic and Latino Americans Are More Likely to Have Type 2 Diabetes: CDC

Hispanic and Latino Americans are more likely to have diabetes than non-Hispanic whites, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study.

Trump Says COVID-19 Vaccine Deliveries to Begin Next Week

President Donald Trump told U.S. troops on Thursday that the coronavirus vaccine's delivery would begin next week.
Baking Soda: Is it Safe and Effective for Weight Loss?

Baking Soda: Is it Safe and Effective for Weight Loss?

Here are the things you need to know about the effects of using baking soda for weight loss. Baking soda is a household item commonly used for baking and treating indigestion.
Kojic Acid Soap: Is it Better Than Cream, What are the Best to Buy in the Market

Kojic Acid Soap: Is it Better Than Cream? What is the Best to Buy in the Market

Here are the difference of a kojic acid soap and cream and the best soap you may try to use to prove its result.
Pain in Dogs: Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore & How to Relieve Them

Pain in Dogs: Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore & How to Relieve Them

What's the first thing you do when you start experiencing pain? Perhaps, your natural instinct is to pop a painkiller and hope that it gets better. If the pain persists, you'll try to find its underlying cause and then consult a doctor to get it treated. The good thing is that you can explain your symptoms and be vocal about the distress the pain is causing you.

One-Third of Parents Believe Family Thanksgiving Gathering Worth the COVID-19 Risk, New Poll Shows

A national poll on family Thanksgiving gatherings revealed that parents think meeting with extended family is important to children.
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