
Teens and Young Adults Who Vape are 5 to 7 Times to Get Infected for COVID-19, A New Study Found!

A new study found out that teens and young adults who vape and used cigarettes are five to seven times more likely to get infected for COVID-19 than those who don't.
Face coverings

Should You Stop Wearing Your Neck Gaiters? New Study Says So

Neck gaiters as face covering during the COVID-19 pandemic are ineffective and could even spread the virus further than not wearing a covering at all, according to Duke University researchers.

LA Mexican Consulate Opens New Coronavirus Testing Center for Latinos

The Los Angeles Mexican consulate has opened a new coronavirus testing center Wednesday in an effort to better serve California's Latino community.
Latin Artists' Good Deed to People Who are in Need During COVID-19 Pandemic

Latin Artists' Good Deeds to People Who are in Need During COVID-19 Pandemic

Here is a list of Latin artists who share what they have to at least lighten the burden of those in need amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

US, Moderna Ink $1.5 Billion Deal on COVID-19 Vaccines

The United States has entered an agreement with drugmaker Moderna for 100 million doses of potential COVID-19 vaccines worth around $1.5 billion, both the company and White House announced on Tuesday.
antidepressants not working

Here's Why Your Antidepressant Meds Are Not Working

Major depression is one of the most common metal disorders in the United States. The National Institute of Mental Health has seen a 7.1 percent of U.S. adults to have major depressive episode.

Orange County Child First to Contract West Nile Virus This Year

An Orange County child tested positive of the West Nile virus, marking the county's first confirmed case of human infection for this year.
Anthony Fauci

Fauci on Russia's COVID-19 Vaccine: "I Seriously Doubt That It Is Safe and Effective"

The nation's top infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, said on Tuesday that he has serious doubts about Russia's COVID-19 vaccine, claiming that it is ready to be used for the coronavirus disease.
calorie count in food

Calorie Count in Food: What You Should Know

Many people are ready to follow the latest diet fad, especially if it promises rapid weight loss. Many people are ready to follow the latest diet fad, especially if it promises rapid weight loss.
Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci Says Future COVID-19 Vaccine Will Not Give 100% Immunity

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country's leading infectious disease expert with four decades of experience in different types of pandemics, said that the future COVID-19 vaccine will not give 100 percent immunity.

New COVID-19 Testing Site Soon to Rise Near US-Mexico Border

A COVID-19 testing site will open up near the U.S.- Mexico Border later this week, San Diego County officials said.
COVID-19 Vaccines Might Not be Effective to Obese People, Researchers Claim

COVID-19 Vaccines Might Not be Effective to Obese People, Studies Claim

Being obese may render COVID-19 vaccines ineffective, researches claim. As everyone wait for the release of COVID-19 vaccine, study claims that being obese may render vaccines ineffective.

70,000 Lives in the US Can Be Saved By Wearing Facemasks, Experts Reveal!

Experts revealed using their new model that a projected number of 70,000 lives can be saved in the United States by December 1 if people will regularly use facemasks.
Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Fauci Admits Not Confident in Having an Effective Vaccine in the Near Future

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, admitted recently that he is not confident of having an effective vaccine in the near future.

Los Angeles COVID-19 Hospitalizations Continue to Decline

Los Angeles public health officials reported on Saturday that COVID-19 hospitalizations in the county continue to decline, despite reports on cases and deaths not seeing better numbers.
Amid COVID-19 and Reopening of Schools 260 Students 8 Teachers Quarantined in Georgia School District

School Reopenings in Georgia: 260 Students, 8 Teachers Quarantined After a Week

At least 260 students and eight teachers from a suburban school district in Atlanta, Georgia have been put in quarantine after several teachers and students tested positive for coronavirus during the first week of school.
Los Angeles Church Offers Covid Testing, As Cases In L.A. County Continue To Spike Upwards

CDC: Hispanic, Latino Children Are More Likely to Have COVID-19

Hispanic children have a higher COVID-19 hospitalization rate than white kids, said a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report released Friday.

Talks on Virus Aid Collapse; Jobless to Lose $600 Extra Benefit

Many unemployed Americans will more likely lose jobless benefits as talks on the vital coronavirus aid collapsed Friday.
Watermelon Gazpacho: Complete Recipe and Helpful Benefits

Watermelon Gazpacho: Complete Recipe and Helpful Benefits

Watermelon gazpacho is a mouth-watery dish you might want to learn how to prepare. Well, here is the complete recipe added with the details of its benefits that you may also discover.
Replace Sugar With Honey

Should You Replace Sugar With Honey?

Many people have a penchant for anything sweet, which is one of the reason why the dessert section will probably not go away in the menu for a long time.
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