
President Trump Believes There Is A Link Between Autism And Vaccines; Beliefs That Won’t Die Regarding Vaccines

President Trump wants Robert Kennedy Jr. to lead a commission on vaccine only for his spokeswoman to say that this was actually an autism commission.

Report: Bird Watching Is Good For Mental Health, Scientist Confirms

Bird watching may reduce you finds and stress and anxiety. The University of Exter has found this. People living in a neighborhood with more birds and trees are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and stress.

Marijuana Ingredient THC Confirmed Causes Paranoia; Reasons Why Weed Makes You Paranoid

Some scientists have found out why marijuana can cause paranoia. Here's why. Many who have tried marijuana often said that they've suffered from short-term paranoia.

Report: HIV Vaccine Therapy Control Virus Without Daily Drugs

HIV vaccine therapy helps to fight the virus without daily drugs. The finding of the research was presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and opportunistic infections.

Snail Venom, A newly Discovery Treatment With A Long-Lasting Effect For Chronic Pain

A new study that opens door to the new opportunities to treat pain. Conus regius, a predatory and venomous sea snail that has the capacity to paralyzed its prey.

Women Need 1 Glass Of Red Wine Per Day To Boost Heart Health

Based on a research, once glass of wine may provide some heart health benefit but drinking too much makes the liver suffer.

Is Hibernation Finally be the Cure for Terminal Cancer? It Reportedly Leads the Patient Into Hibernating Bears Who Survived a Deep Freeze

According to Marco Durante, a physicist from the Trento Institute of Italy, hibernation could be the cure for cancer. By leading the patients into like hibernating bear wherein they get into a torpor state.

Must Read: Higher Toxic Metal In Gluten-Free Foods, The Diet is Fatal For People Who Have Celiac Disease - Study Finds

The rice flour are the best substitute for wheat, barley, and rye and it tends to accumulate toxic metals that can potentially increase the risk heart diseases, cancer and neurological illness.

Everyday Vitamin D Intake, Helps Lower Respiratory Infection To Manifest

The review found an association between taking vitamin D supplements and a decreased of having a respiratory infection, but not a cause-and-effect link.

People Diagnosed ADHD Have Smaller Brains Than Those Who Did Not, Study Shows

The researchers found differences in volume of the total brain and the five regions whether a person with ADHD had taken medication or not.

MRI Brain Scan Technology, A New Diagnostic Method To Predict Autism At Age of Two

About one in 68 U.S. children has been diagnosed with an autism spectrum according to the recent report.

Ebola 'Superspreaders': Faster Contamination Basically Through Contacts of Bodily Fluids

Individuals who are in charge of infecting numerous others during epidemics of infectious disease, are called superspreaders.

Cambridge Scientists Get Revolutionary Funding Boost For Cancer Research

Cancer Research UK awarded a huge investment to groups of Scientists in the city to promote most recent cancer research & preventions projects; know more

An Old Steroid Drug Approved by FDA Treats Fatal Disease will costs $54,000 Instead of $89,000 a year

A steroid drug that can treat patients who have Duchenne muscular dystrophy is now approve by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration with rebates and discounts.

Scientists Found How Bacteria Turn Their 'Sleep' Mode On To Establish Resistance During The Antibiotic Treatment

Hebrew scientists discovered that during the antibiotic treatment, bacteria hibernate them to bypass the lethal dose. Prof. Nathalie Balaban and Ph.D. student Irit Levin-Reisman exposed the bacteria colony with the daily dosage of antibiotics in controlled laboratory conditions.

Vegetarians' Mortality Rates Have Nothing To Do With Their Diet - Study

According to a recent study, a person who is a vegetarian doesn't mean he or she has a lower risk of death or early death compared to the non-vegetarians.

U.S. Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention Released Vaccine Guidelines Update for 2017

A panel of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released its 2017 advisory for recommended shots affecting adults. This year's advisory changes up its rules on seasonal flu shots by eliminating nasal flu vaccines and modifying flu-shot advice for people with egg allergies

E-cigarette, Vape Increases Risk for Cardiovascular Diseases and Higher Blood Pressure

Researchers found that E-cigarettes have real, physiologic adverse effects and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Artificial Intelligence Can Diagnose Skin Cancer Just Like A Trained Doctor

Researchers from Stanford University developed an Artificial Intelligence) Algorithm to detect skin cancer. Researchers modified Google algorithm which is used to differentiate cats and dogs to an advanced algorithm which will spot the sign of cancer or tumors among the moles or other skin marks.

Biological Factors Connecting Alcohol Consumption While Overeating

Modern studies confirm that alcohol intake acutely stimulates eating, and correlates with obesity. This overeating is a clinical concern, but its causes are puzzling, because alcohol (ethanol) is a calorie-dense nutrient, and calorie intake usually suppresses brain appetite signals.
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