The Zika epidemic has raised so much concern that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global health emergency in order to raise awareness about the disease.
As the Zika Virus continues to alarm several countries, including Latin America like Ecuador, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Honduras, Panama and El Salvador, health organizations have recently urged for women to try not to get pregnant and have more access to contraceptives, Fox News Latino reports.
With over 270 confirmed microcephaly cases due to the Zika virus, Brazilians are still gearing up for their annual Carnival activities while planning to celebrate as normally as they can.
The outbreak of the Zika virus in Latin America has caused concern all over the world with cases being reported and confirmed in the United States and European countries. Health officials are suspecting that the origin of the epidemic started during the 2014 World Cup that was held in Brazil.
Drinking a cup of coffee has always been thought to increase heartbeat rate. And this is why some health experts are advising people to lessen intake of the world’s favorite beverage. However, latest findings reveal that the belief is wrong and asserted that coffee does not cause heart palpitations.
The current outbreak of the Zika virus across large swaths of South America presents a public health threat of "alarming proportions" and could affect as many as four million people, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Jan. 28.
In light of the Zika virus outbreak in several countries, two U.S. airline giants -- United Airlines and American Airlines -- have announced their offer of refunds for traveling pregnant women going to Zika virus-infested countries, Fox News Latino reports.
Experts suggest that genes related to thinking skills are also associated with health. A new study showed that intelligent people are more likely to become healthier and live longer.
Researchers from Uganda are saying that the Zika virus is not considered a threat in Africa despite the mosquito-borne disease originating in the continent, per the Associated Press. The virus was first discovered in a monkey back in 1947 and was named after the Zika forest located near Uganda's capital city of Kampala.
The Zika outbreak continues to cause concern around the globe, as an expert decried the lack of information on the virus available in Venezuela. Meanwhile, a Danish hospital confirmed that a tourist had been infected with the disease after visiting southern and central America.
Some of the identified causative factors include maternal obesity, reduced exclusive breastfeeding and workplace and childcare issues that affect how children eat and engage in physical activity.
The U.S. government has started the research to find a vaccine for the Zika virus that is spreading like wildfire in Latin America that already reached the Northern Hemisphere. President Barack Obama called a meeting on Tuesday with the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Health and Human Services Department at The White House.
Researchers have suspected that the Zika virus could be transmitted via sexual intercourse after they found traces of it in semen samples from a patient.
Amid growing concerns about the mosquito-borne Zika virus and associated birth defects, the government of El Salvador is asking its citizens to avoid pregnancies for the next two years.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned North and South American countries about the spread of the Zika virus across the continent, per the Pan American Health Organization. As of Jan. 23, 2016, reported cases of the mosquito-borne virus has been documented in 21 countries and territories in the Americas.
Read through the list to find out what the best coffees in Latin America are. Latinos are known to drink more coffee than other nationalities. Around 74 percent of the general Latino population drink 1 to 2 cups of coffee on a daily basis as per Café Cortez.
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