New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Dr. Herminia Palacio, a Cuban American public health official ,as his new deputy mayor for health and human services.
An artificial pancreas is currently in development, set for two stages of testing before getting approval for public use. If eventually approved, this technological advancement could mean those with Type 1 diabetes no longer need to be subjected to needles every day.
Brazil has declared state of emergency in some regions greatly affected by the Zika virus. the new epidemic has now been linked to birth defects in Brazilian newborns.
A new study revealed that a large number of doctors have not been encouraging preteens to get the vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause reproductive cancer.
Zika virus made its way to Puerto Rico causing an alarming outbreak. Earlier this month, news broke out that the Zika virus which cause microcephaly in newborn babies reached Puerto Rico.
Insurance policies are around for important reasons. Mainly, they are availed for protection against unforeseen risks in various aspects of life like education, home and death.
A Eurasian avian-like H1N1 (EAH1N1) swine flu virus was recently identified as potentially pandemic by Chinese researchers. The virus, which “pose the highest pandemic threat”, has circulated in pigs and revealed to be able to infect humans as well.
Zumba is now increasing in popularity. Beto Perez, the founder of this dance-exercise, says that the reason why people embraced it is because it’s “different, effective, infectious and easy-to-follow.”
A team of Mexican researchers is ready to start clinical trials on a vaccine to prevent the recurrence of different types of cancer. The experiment will be conducted in different cities in Mexico with the top cancer institution in the country and Latin America, National Oncology Institute, organizing the project.
Sanofi announced on Monday that Brazil has given its regulatory approval for their dengue fever vaccine called Dengvaxia®. Brazil became the third country in the world after Mexico and the Philippines to allow the use of the first-ever licensed vaccine for the prevention of the mosquito-borne disease.
Andres Moreno died of heart attack but doctors revealed it is unrelated to his weight loss surgery. The 38-year-old Mexican Andres Moreno made the headlines as it was reported that the world's most obese man finally passed away at a young age.
Calm. Cool. Collected. Plastic surgeon Sergio Alavarez counts on all of these qualities in the operating room. As a celebrity plastic surgeon, Alvarez knew early on he wanted to be in the operating room. His cardiologist father took him to see patients while still in elementary school.
More than 8.25 million consumers have utilized the federal health insurance marketplace. One cause for the increased enrollment or renewals spike is millennials.
A new study emerged which provided evidence that putting smoking warning labels that contains graphic and morbid images of the damage being caused by smoking has a greater impact in making the person quit tobacco consumption.
A bacteria stain was found in U.K. that is antibiotic resistant. An alarming bacteria strain which could resist colistin (which is the most common antibiotic of last resort) has been discovered in the U.