The country's largest Latino civl right organization did not invite Donald Trump to their annual conference over his anti-immirgration policy. Hillary Clinton was not invited out of fairness, and because La Raza is nonpartisan.
Hillary Clinton has raced out to a commanding eight point lead over Donald Trump in the latest 2016 presidential poll pitting the two presumptive nominees head to head.
Beginning Dec. 1, Mexican nationals working or studying in Canada will need little more than a passport and electronic travel authorization. The policy change comes as leadership from both countries seek to mend a relationship hampered by travel restrictions.
The United Kindom is leaving the European Union on the strength of disenfranchised voters supportive of anti-immigration laws. Leading the charge was Nigel Farage, a enigmatic leader who mirrors Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in tone and policy.
From Billy Nye to Sarah Palin, Politicon had a little something for everyone following the 2016 presidential election. The two-day event blended humor with democracy in a way that allowed Democrats and Republicans alike to see political issues in a new way.
A 4-4 Supreme Court split on President Obama's executive action on immigration closed the door on extended DACA and DAPA efforts. With Donald Trump campaigning on anti-immigration promises, the future for undocumented individuals remains in limbo.
The presumptive Democratic and Republican presidential nominees elected not to speak in front of thousands of lawmakers attending the NALEO's annual convention. It begins on the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling blocking President Obama's executive action on immigration.
Rosario Dawson will be on hand and ready to protest at the upcoming Democratic National Convention, even if it comes to mean her being led away in handcuffs and spending another night.
Joe Arpaio is proud of the connection he and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump share, even though growing indications are the alliance could ultimately spell huge problems for both and the GOP as a whole.
Hillary Clinton has built a commanding seven point lead over Donald Trump in a new national poll that pits the presumptive presidential nominees head to head.
Apple has pulled the plug on all funding and support for the upcoming Republican convention based on presumptive nominee Donald Trump's derisive rhetoric about immigrants.
It's June 15 once again, and it's another year since President Barack Obama announced the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which allowed more than 700,000 undocumented immigrant youths to stay in the U.S.