
More Republican Voters Supporting Path to Citizenship, Say Immigrants Are Not Criminals: Pew Research Center Study

Donald Trump supporters staunchly stand behind the Republican presidential candidates anti-immigration policy, but other conservatives are warming to the idea of keeping 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country legally.

Latino Vote to Have Strong Impact on 2016 Election as U.S. Hispanic Population & Political Influence See Massive Growth

Nielson released a report this week that examined in-depth the growing Latino population in the United States and emphasized the extent of this population's increasing influence on the country.

Immigration Reform 2016: Americans Like Notion of Immigration But Don't Want Increase in Immigration Levels

A recently released Gallup poll revealed some interesting results in terms of immigration policies in America. A significant majority of Americans say that they view immigration as good for the country, but only a small minority wish to see an increase in U.S. immigration Levels.

Presidential Polls 2016: Clinton up 12 Points in New Reuters Poll, Holds Huge Electoral Vote Edge

Hillary Clinton has seized a commanding 12 point lead over Donald Trump in the latest national, general election poll taken by Reuters/Ipsos, her strongest showing in the regularly conducted survey over the last several weeks.

Donald Trump Considers Immigration Reform Shift, Says He Isn’t Flip-Flopping on Deportation Policy

Trump reiterated his anti-immigration policy in an interview with Fox News Monday morning, saying he wants a "fair but firm" solution. Days earlier, attendees at Trump's Hispanic Advisory Council meeting said he looking for a way to legalize undocumented immigrants already living in the U.S.

Obama Approval Rates Soaring: Is It Due to Political Merit or Anti-Trump Rhetoric?

According to recent polls making the rounds in terms of President Obama's approval ratings, the marks are up considerably and this is especially true among such constituent groups as Latinos, women, voters under age 30, and those who identify themselves as Independents.

10 Quotes from Donald Trump’s Anti-Immigration Foreign Policy Speech That Don't Add Up

A speech meant to outline Donald Trump's national security and anti-terrorism plans may have alienated undecided voters. Aside from proposing an "extreme vetting" process for undocumented immigrants, Trump also said he would ban entry for anyone associated with a terrorist country.

Donald Trump's First TV Ads Paint Issue of Immigration as Problem Only His Hardline Stance Can Fix [WATCH}

In one of his first general election TV ads to hit the airwaves, Donald Trump paints the issue of immigration as a problem that has grown so out of control only someone as hard on the issue as himself can fix it

Presidential Polls 2016 and the Electoral College Vote MAPS – Projection & Prediction Updates: Hillary Clinton Soundly Ahead in New Rounds of Polls

Hillary Clinton has gained her strongest Electoral College map edge yet over Donald Trump, converting the states of New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Virginia over to the Democratic side.

Immigration Reform 2016: Spanish Radio Host Don Cheto Interviews Democratic VP Candidate Tim Kaine Live on 'El Show de Don Cheto' [VIDEO]

The legendary Don Cheto, host of a hugely popular Spanish morning radio show in the United States recently invited Hillary Clinton's vice presidential running mate Tim Kaine to participate in a live, on-air interview to discuss issues of the utmost importance to Latino voters in regards to Clinton campaign plans.

Immigration Reform 2016: Clinton Campaign Enlists DREAMers to Drive Voter Registration, Woo Latino Communities

Hillary Clinton's campaign launched this week a new initiative to woo Latino voters by teaming with DREAMers to drive voter registration within these young immigrants' communities.

'Last Week Tonight' Host John Oliver Blasts Donald Trump as 'Imploding Star'

John Oliver used his "Last Week Tonight" stage to again assail republican presidential candidate Donald Trump over what he sees as all his latest eye-popping actions.

2016 Presidential Polls and the Electoral College MAP: Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump in New ABC Electoral Vote Poll

Hillary Clinton has maneuvered her way to a commanding lead over Donald Trump in electoral votes, with a new ABC News poll finding she has secured more than enough support to emerge as President Obama's successor.

Immigration Reform 2016: Obama Administration Expands Central American Migration Program to Include Adult Family Members, Caregivers

Immigration reform has become on of the most highly visible talking points for the upcoming presidential election, but that debate focuses on future political policies as promised by our current candidates. In the meantime, the current administration has taken action in the 11th hour to make good on President Obama's long-held vows to assist immigrants seeking safety from persecution in their Central American homelands.

13 States to Ask Judge to Halt Obama's Transgender Policy, Parties Due in Federal Court Friday

A group of 13 states are expected in court on Friday to petition a federal court judge to block President Obama's plan to allow transgender students to use public bathrooms based on their gender identity.

2016 Presidential Polls: National Poll Finds Nearly Two-Thirds of Hispanics Voting for Clinton Over Trump

Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump among Hispanic voters has nearly doubled over the last three months and she now leads her Republican challenger by a staggering 48 points among that demographic.

2016 Presidential Polls: Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump in Three Key Battleground Swing States: Iowa, Ohio, and Pennsylvania

Hillary Clinton has taken an average seven point lead over Donald Trump in the critical battleground states of Iowa, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump’s Chances of Winning Electoral Vote of Swing State Florida Take Hit as Latino Spokesman Quits

Outgoing Florida GOP communications chief Wadi Gaitan is the latest in a growing list of disenfranchised Latino Republicans to voice their oppositon for Donald Trump. Gaitan's exit, however, comes as Trump appeals to minority voters in the decisive swing-state.

Immigration Reform News 2016: Powerful Corporations & Leaders of Industry Leading Force Toward Reforming U.S. Policy, Economy, Culture

A flood of pro-immigration reform groups and studies are making rounds in the media as of late, with leaders of these groups and results from published studies making the case that integrating such reform into the United States political spector will have a positive effect on the country's economy, and on America as a whole.

Immigration Reform News Today: Hillary Clinton Vows to Defend DACA, DAPA, Create Office of Immigrant Affairs

Branding her White House run against Donald Trump "a referendum on immigration," Hillary Clinton assured a gathering of Hispanic and black journalist she plans to create a new office of Immigrant Affairs if she is elected.
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