The Transgender bathroom bill failed to pass in Tennessee on Monday. The bill that was being proposed required all students in public schools and universities to use bathrooms and locker rooms that matched their gender at birth.
Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto plans to spearhead a drive aimed at legalizing the use of medicinal marijuana, which could also push the idea of decriminalizing possession of certain amounts of the drug.
The cash-strapped island cannot afforts to fund hospitals and hospital staff necessary for fighting Zika, the bloodborne disease that can have devastating affects on infants and pregnant women.
The Italian spyware company Hacking Team provided services to governments across Latin America, some of which were used to spy on political dissenters, journalists, and other non-criminal targets, according to a new report.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump lead most national polls heading into Tuesday's primary, but New Yorkers can make it difficult for either to win their party's nomination without contested conventions.
On Monday morning, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments from supporters and opponents of President Barack Obama's 2014 immigration executive actions, all while Latino and immigrant rights groups rallied outside in support of the deferred action programs.
With only hours remaining before polls in the New York City primary open, Republican front-runner Donald Trump is set to go into battle with a 33 point lead over Ted Cruz and endless praise for his brash and outspoken style.
The U.S. Supreme Court has been hearing is hearing arguments about President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions on Monday, April 18, a development that could have major consequences on the 2016 presidential race for the White House.
Nearly half of adults born before or shortly after World War II are likely to opposed a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, contrasting from views younger adults hold.
With Hillary Clinton holding on to a steady six point lead in the latest polls, Democratic challenger Bernie Sanders is set to unveil his first paid television ads in the state of California.
Donald Trump is now hitting record high support in his run for 2016 the Republican nomination and now leads Texas Sen. Ted Cruz by 18 points in their run for the Oval Office.
The state of California could be the first in the country to seek to legally allow immigrants the right to purchase health care insurance through Obamacare.
Pro-immigration forces are planning rallies in such major cities as Washington, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Houston and Denver to mark the Supreme Court formally hearing arguments in President Obama's immigration executive action case.
The last scheduled Democratic debate raised questions about Hillary Clinton's repeated refusal to release speech transcrips and Bernie Sanders ability to win over New Yorkers ahead of Tuesday's primary.
Several Republicans believe Puerto Rico can restructure its debt payment plan without U.S. government assistance, but letting the island nation falter would have a domino effect on U.S. taxpayers.
Donald Trump still holds a double-digit lead over Republican presidential rival Ted Cruz in a new national poll, but his lead has been nearly shaved in half from where it stood just a month ago.