At least part of Donald Trump's boastful plan to "Make America Great Again" could lead to another recession if he is allowed to execute the mass deportations he has vowed to carry out.
Republican front-runner Donald Trump has grown his level of support in California, yet GOP voters in the state remain so at odds over his candidacy a quarter of them insist they would never vote for him in the general election.
Bernie Sanders is currently on a roll, besting his opponent in five of the last six contests. While the momentum is clearly on his side, can Sanders really win the nomination?
Republican front-runner Donald Trump and Ohio Governor John Kasich are locked in a tight, back and forth tug of war for control of the upcoming GOP primary in Pennsylvania.
Fear of an ISIS-led attack in the United States has Republican presidential candidates proposing extreme anti-immigration policies, including patrols of Muslim neighborhoods.
Donald Trump's recent barb directed at Ted Cruz's wife, Heidi, as well as his caustic remarks against other women, could be driving away some members of the female demographics.
Fox News Channel TV host Sean Hannity and Univision anchor Jorge Ramos came to blows Tuesday night during a heated debate over Donald Trump and illegal immigration.
Republican voters overwhelmingly agree the 2016 presidential candidate with the most delegates should go forward as the GOP's official nominee, should all the candidates fall short of bagging the required number of delegates to automatically seize the ticket.
For California Latinos, the top issues are jobs, the economy and the state's water crisis, and these could factor in their preference among presidential candidates.
For centuries, countless immigrants, including the 3.5 million that today call New York City home, have brought culture, ideas, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit to neighborhoods across the five boroughs, building communities and embedding themselves in the social fabric of the city.
In a message to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., Puerto Rico Education Secretary Rafael Roman Melendez further made the case about the commonwealth’s debt crisis and the impact on children’s education.
A video making the rounds on Twitter reveals the moment a protester interrupted a live broadcast of the baseball game between Cuba and the Tampa Bay Rays on ESPN.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the clear front-runners for their respective parties based on the results of a new Quinnipiac University nationwide poll.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) reached a historic settlement on Monday regarding a claim against a Louisiana-based realty company that was accused of discriminating against Americans by hiring foreign H-2B workers.