
Election 2016: Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio Trailing Donald Trump Among Florida's Latino Voters

Despite being popular Spanish-speaking Florida politicians, neither Jeb Bush nor Marco Rubio has managed to take lead among Republican voters or Latino voters in their home state in the 2016 presidential race.

Ben Carson Called Liar by Former Patient: 'I Regret Ever Meeting Him'

A former patient of retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson called him a "liar" and says she regrets having him operate on her brain tumor when she was just nine years old in 1995.

World: Germany Reveals Plans To Restrict Migrants Coming From Safe Countries

In light of recent happenings in different parts of the world, most recently in Syria, refugees from their hostile countries started to migrate in Germany. The country announced on Monday via Chancellor Angela Merkel that they will now start restricting migrants coming from safe countries to enter.

Sex Toys on Campus: UT Austin Students Protesting Concealed Weapons on Campus Will Carry Dildos Instead

In August 2016 , Texas will join states like Colorado and Kansas and allow its citizens to carry concealed weapons on public university campuses. The news frustrated parents, professors, and students alike. At the University of Texas in Austin it has sparked an protest involving dildos.

CNN Democratic Debate October 2015: Democrats to Face Off in First Debate

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley will face each other Tuesday night on CNN on the first Democratic debate for the party’s presidential nomination. Two other candidates will join them on the stage; however, many see this as a battle between the former secretary of state and the Vermont senator.

House Speaker Race: Texas Republican Rep. Bill Flores Throws Hat in Speakership Contest

Bill Flores, a three-term congressman from central Texas, on Monday announced that he was hoping to replace outgoing House Speaker John Boehner - which would make the 61-year-old second in the U.S. presidential line of succession.

DNC Debate: Tuesday's Debate the First of Many Key Dates

The more than a dozen GOP White House hopefuls already have two debates under their belts, but Tuesday's encounter will mark the first such event for Democratic contenders.

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Update: Obama Says Clinton Made Mistake, but National Security Unharmed

Hillary Clinton made a mistake when she used a private email server to conduct government business, but the then-secretary of state did not threaten national security, President Barack Obama said in a "60 Minutes" interview that aired on CBS on Sunday.

Presidential Election 2016: GOP Staffer Fired From Benghazi Committee Says GOP is Targeting Hillary in 'Partisan Investigation'

Just days after House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy inadvertently admitted that Republicans created the Select Committee on Benghazi in order to undermine Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, a former investigator on the committee released a statement also accusing the Republican-led panel of unfairly targeting the Democratic candidate.

Presidential Race 2016: Steven Tyler Asks Donald Trump to Stop Using 'Dream On' at Campaign Events

Aerosmith front man Steven Tyler has ordered Donald Trump to stop using his band's classic hit,"Dream On" during campaign appearances.

Donald Trump 2016 Election News: Hispanic Woman Salutes Leading GOP Candidate as 'Perfect Man'

A Colombian-born woman claims she saw Donald Trump in her dreams days before she had the chance to take the stage with him and voice her support for his 2016 Republican presidential run.

‘The Daily Show With Trevor Noah’ Zeroes in on Ben Carson [WATCH]

This week, "The Daily Show" host Trevor Noah zeroed in on the media blunders of candidate Ben Carson. See the videos here.

Presidential Polls 2016 - Numbers as of OCT. 7, 2015: Donald Trump vs. Ben Carson and Latest Numbers for Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders

Donald Trump continues to rate as the Republican Party front-runner, though his once sizable lead over political neophyte Ben Carson appears to be slipping fast.

Immigration Reform 2015 [Latest News]: Obama Slams GOP Presidential Candidates for 'Anti-Immigrant Sentiment'

President Barack Obama blasted the 2016 Republican presidential candidates for using "anti-immigrant sentiment" in their campaigns in effort to gain attention and votes.

Debate Preview: Where Democratic Presidential Candidates Stand on Immigration

The Democratic presidential candidates will finally have their first primary debate on Oct. 13, and one pressing topic will be immigration reform, but what’s their stance on the multi-faceted topic?

2016 Presidential Race: Trump Draws Thousands in Vegas, Vows to 'Never' Quit Race

GOP front-runner Donald Trump reversed his earlier comments that he would drop his White House bid if his poll numbers plummeted, proclaiming on Friday that he is "never getting out" of the race.

Republicans Urge Paul Ryan to Run for House Speaker

Republicans are pressing Rep. Paul Ryan to step up and run for the House Speaker position to replace John Boehner, following Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's shocking decision to quit his campaign run for the post.

Clinton Email Server: CIA Source Name Sent to Private Email Server, Republican Claims

An email then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received on the private server she used to conduct government business contained the name of a source of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Republican chairman of the committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks said on Thursday.

2016 Presidential Election: Latino Activist Heckles Clinton Over Private Prison Contributions

A heckler, opposed to the contributions Hillary Clinton's campaign received from private prison corporations, interrupted the Democratic front-runner on Thursday in the midst of a speech she was giving at an awards ceremony.

2016 Presidential Candidate Ben Carson Says Guns Could Have Prevented the Holocaust

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has come under fire once again for a controversial comment about guns; this time he suggested that the Holocaust would have been "greatly diminished" if Jewish people had been armed.
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