Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush on Monday outlined a wide-ranging plan to rein in the size of the federal government and curb the influence of Washington lobbyists.
Hillary Clinton is not the only Democrat seeking the party's nomination in the 2016 White House race. But you wouldn't know it from her appearance at a Friday fundraiser in Iowa, where the frontrunner focused exclusively on her GOP opponents - even though her internal challengers were also in attendance.
Washington D.C. will see the doors of the Cuban embassy open for the first time in several decades, signaling a new era for Cuban-American relations. Nonetheless, the town, once termed "Chocolate City," has long been the stomping ground for motivated Hispanics/Latinos, from Cuba and beyond, searching for nothing more than opportunities in business,politics, economics and education.
Based on filings to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the diversity rate among the Democrats presidential campaigns lack diversity, according to an organization focused on bridging talent and people of color.
2016 presidential candidate Scott Walker was confronted by a family of an undocumented worker during a campaign stop in his childhood hometown of Plainfield, Iowa on Sunday.
Sen. Bob Menendez, whom a federal grand jury had indicted on corruption charges in April, on Monday accused prosecutors of violating the independence of Congress.
Donald Trump's anti-Mexican comments and his rant against Republican heavyweight John McCain have led the Des Moines Register to call on the TV personality to drop out of the 2016 White House race.
Republican 2016 presidential hopeful Scott Walker, who opened his candidacy speech with an anecdote about his time in Boy Scouts, has been going back and trying to clarify his position on gays being allowed to serve as employees and troop leaders in the organization.
"Gomie" is running for office. Looks like "Gomie" is alive and well, and he is running for political office. The New York Daily News reports that former "Breaking Bad" actor Steven Michael Quezada will be running for the country commissioner seat in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
The already crowded field of GOP White House contenders is set to welcome yet another "notable Republican" as Ohio Gov. John Kasich readies to declare his candidacy on Tuesday.
Over the last five years, Sen. Marco Rubio has received $27,600 in contributions from Corinthian Colleges, a for-profit college that closed its doors earlier this year after a federal investigation found it had engaged in "predatory" practices.
A coalition of medical workers, insurers and hospitals in Puerto Rico have launched a media campaign petitioning Congress not to slash the Island's healthcare funding in wake of its $72 billion debt crisis.
Based on Latino Decisions' latest study, more than 13 million Latinos will vote in the 2016 presidential election, and Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley has made strides on connecting with the voting bloc by issues to the community.
Following the death of 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle by an undocumented immigrant at a San Francisco pier, Californian politicians are debating how much involvement local law enforcement should have with federal immigration enforcement.
English-language Sunday shows lack Hispanic representation, and when Hispanics guests are invited, immigration is the sole topic they're asked to discuss. But Spanish-language Sunday broadcasts aren't much better.
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., may be the son of immigrants from Cuba, but in Miami's Little Havana, Cuban American Republicans back another Floridian in the 2016 White House race.
New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito is expected to make an announcement Monday highlighting the success of a city initiative that provides undocumented children in NYC with free legal representation and protection from deportation.
Donald Trump, who over the weekend said that he liked "people who weren't captured," should apologize to American prisoners of war and their families, John McCain urged on Monday.