As Latinos are set to have their largest class yet in the upcoming 114th U.S. Congress, Latinos also made history within state legislative levels following this year's midterm elections.
With President Barack Obama's immigration reform executive action looming, one Republican congressman publicly stated this week that impeachment would be considered if the president fulfills his unilateral action promise.
The midterm elections have shown Latinos maintained their support for the Democratic Party, but exit polling have identified the GOP attracting voters.
In an interview on CBS 'Face the Nation' President Barack Obama said he would a immigration reform bill from the Republican-led Congress because it would offer permanent reform but he won't wait and will use his executive action to implement some reforms.
The second open enrollment period of the Affordable Care Act's federal health insurance marketplace is scheduled to open this Saturday, and the Obama administration is gearing to ensure the website runs without another technical glitch.
President Barack Obama recommitted his position on the net neutrality debate, calling for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to enact new rules to secure a "free and open" Internet.
GOP gaining minority voters but Hispanics remain majority Democratic voters Reports of GOP voters since 2012 have seen increases among minorities, but Latinos stuck to voting Democrat during the Midterm Elections on Nov.
NYC Mayor De Blasio and NY Democrats head to Puerto Rico for Somos Conference. After the midterm elections, and a resounding win for the Republicans, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and other New York Democrats head to Puerto Rico for the annual Somos Conference.
Now that the Republicans control both the House and Senate, there is talk that they will continue their mission to repeal the Affordable Care Act, or at least make major changes to the law.
President Barack Obama has nominated Loretta Lynch to be the next Attorney General of the United States succeeding Eric Holder on Saturday. If confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Lynch would be the first black woman to be the nation's top prosecutor.
The incoming 114th U.S. Congress will feature the largest class of Latinos, and an increase of Republican Latinos in the House of Representatives, thanks in part to Florida voters giving the win to Miami-Dade School Board member Carlos Curbelo against Democratic incumbent Rep. Joe Garcia for the Sunshine State's 26th Congressional District.
Latinos made history Election Night, picking up 12 statewide executive office seats and sending back to the 114th Congress the largest number of elected Latinos in history. The election also saw several firsts with two Latina occupying executive office positions and a state voting for the first time to have a Latino represent them in Congress.
California Division of Motor Vehicles is preparing to issue 1.4 million new driver's licenses after Jan. 1 under The Safe and Responsible Drivers Act, a new law that allows undocumented immigrants to get a California driver's license.
A federal appeals court ruled on Thursday that four states were allowed to prohibit same-sex unions A federal appeals court ruled on Thursday that four states are allowed to prohibit same-sex unions.