
Florida Governor Polls 2014: Statistical Dead Heat for Republican Rick Scott, Democrat Charlie Crist as Midterm Election Day Nears

Current Florida Governor Rick Scott has a slim election to win on Nov. 4 as new polling figures has the Republican incumbent tied or losing behind Democratic challenger Charlie Crist.

Texas Governor Race 2014: Candidates Push Efforts to Win Latino, Female Vote Despite Republican's Large Lead

With the Texas gubernatorial election coming to a close on Nov. 4, the candidates are reportedly relying on efforts to push registered voters to the polling booths on Election Day.

2014 Midterm Elections: Asian Americans Courted by Both Republicans and Democrats Ahead of November 4 Elections

Asian Americans courted by both sides in upcoming elections Asians are the new minority whose hearts politicians are trying to win over for the upcoming elections.

President Barack Obama to Visit Myanmar

President Barack Obama will revisit Myanmar this month. Obama visited the Southeast Asian country, also known as Burma, two years ago, being the first American chief executive to do so.

Republican Crosscheck Program Threatens to Remove Voting Privileges for Millions of Minorities

Flawed program threatens to scrub millions of eligible minority voters in 27 states Reports of Republicans courting minority voters are countered by a flawed program that threatens to remove their voting eligibility under the guise of targeting voter fraud, Al-Jazeera reports.

Michael Brown Police Shooting: Al Sharpton Calls For Federal Prosecution in Ferguson Police Shooting

The civil rights activist and MSNBC host, the Rev. Al Sharpton has called for a federal prosecution into the police shooting death of Ferguson black teenager Michael Brown by a white police officer. Sharpton say the grand jury is tainted.

Midterm November 5 Election 2014: Senate Control to be Determined by These Battleground States

In just a few more days, American voters will determine who will win control of the Senate during the Midterm Election.

Immigration Reform News 2014: House Democrats Campaign for Executive Action on Immigration Reform

November’s midterm elections have prompted House Democrats to advocate to Hispanic voters and the president, in part, to take executive action on decisions regarding immigration reform

New PEW Research Poll Shows Latinos Are Losing Faith In Democrats

The Democratic party is losing influence and support from the Latino community, according to a new poll. This lack of support by the Latino community could mean a dramatic loss for the Democratic party during midterm elections, and in the future.

New Hampshire Senate Election: Polls Indicate Jeanne Shaheen, Scott Brown Tied, But Democratic Incumbent Predicted to Win

New Hampshire's U.S. senate race could go in former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown's favor as polling data has the Republican candidate tied against the Democratic incumbent.

Iowa Senate Race: Joni Ernst, Bruce Braley Tied in New Poll But Republican Incumbent Viewed More Favorable

Iowa's U.S. Senate race may end with a statistical dead heat as new polling figures have the two major political party candidates tied days before Election Day.

Midterm Elections 2014:Democrats Expect to Beat Republicans in Key States' Senate Races Thanks to Minority and Young Voters

Early voting tallies in the midterm election indicate that Democrats may still have a chance to maintain control of the Senate.

Texas Elections 2014: Voter ID Laws 'Very Favorable' Among Registered Voters as Early Voting Period Ends

Oct. 31 is Halloween Day, but it's also the last day for early voting in Texas. Public opinion of the state's controversial voter ID laws are also positive than negative despite claims "hundreds of thousands" of voters will be disenfranchised from voting.

Ebola Outbreak 2014 News Update: Maine Nurse Restricted By Court Order, American Ambassador to UN self-monitors

Maine health officials were able to persuade the court to issue a order restricting the nurse's movements. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. just returned from Ebola stricken countries but is self-monitoring.

Kentucky Senate Race Polls 2014: Millennials Prefer Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes But Overall Republican Mitch McConnell Leads

The final week of Kentucky's U.S. Senate race between Republican incumbent Mitch McConnell and Democratic challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes is drawing to a close as new polling figures show the five-term senator with a slim lead.

New York School Districts Illegally Denying Education to Latino Children, Report Says

News reports about Latino children being sent home instead of educated at a Long Island school promoted the New York Civil Liberties Union to survey other county schools with shocking results. Children are being asked for social security numbers, proof of citizenship, questioned about their immigration status and demand for 'original' birth certifications all in violation of constitutional laws that guarantee a child a free public education.

Mitt Romney Supports Republican Paul Ryan for 2016 Presidential Run: Wisconsin Rep. Doesn't Feel the Need to 'Chum'

In a recent interview, Republican congressman Paul Ryan made it clear that if he decides to cast his lot into the 2016 presidential race, it will be entirely on his terms.

Florida 26th District 2014 Polls: Cuban Politics and Political Dissident Heats Election Between Incumbent Joe Garcia, Challenger Carlos Curbelo

Florida's 26th congressional district is home to a heavy Cuban population, and its House of Representatives election has challenged candidates to confront Cuban politics.

Immigration Reform 2014 News: Border Security Top Concern For Texans Despite Deaths at U.S.-Mexico Border Hitting 15-Year Low

Following the influx of undocumented immigrant children entering the U.S. this summer, border security became the top important issue among Texans based on new polling statistics.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul: ‘The Republican Party Brand Sucks’

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul likened Republican party could in fact "do better." While on a voyage through Detroit on Wednesday, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who has constantly criticized the Republican party's efforts to extend their platform to minority voters in hopes to make it more pleasant.
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