Beauty pageants all across the world have become a launching pad for young women to join lucrative careers in the television and entertainment industries. In Latin America, these contests have been integrated into the culture.
Cuatro Cienegas Coahuila pools have sedimentary structures of organisms that are most likely similar to what is found in Mars and are now investigated by a group of scientists.
Let’s face it, quality has always been considered better than quantity. And during this pandemic, while we’re looking for a cure for the coronavirus, let’s remember the age-old doctor’s prescription: Laughter is the best medicine.
If you've run out of antibacterial gel and other disinfectants to protect yourselves and your home from the fast-spreading coronavirus, a recent article shows how you can make them for as fast as 15 minutes in a simple and more economical way.
A recently published study in the Journal of Science confirmed that cats can be infected by COVID-19 and this now prompts the World Health Organization to have a further look of the study.