Articles by Bernadette R Giacomazzo

Bernadette R Giacomazzo

151-175 (out of 721)

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Scarlett Johansson's Pregnancy With Fiance Romain Dauriac Was a "Surprise"

Even though Scarlett Johansson is about five months along in her pregnancy, she claims that her upcoming baby with fiance Romain Dauriac was a "surprise"!

Vogue Italia Blackface Models: Is It Racist, or Cultural Dissonance?

Vogue Italia has caused a bit of controversy on American shores: its latest photo shoot, shot by acclaimed fashion photographer Stephen Meisel, is being tagged as "racist" because the model appears in what some outlets call "blackface." But is that really the case?

Samsung S5 Release Date Rumors, Specs, and News: Could a Factory Fire Delay Production?

Some bad news from the Samsung camp: a factory fire could delay the production -- and the release -- of the much-anticipated Galaxy S5!

Vikings T.V. Show Season 2 on History Channel: Top 5 Things You Need to Know About Bjorn Ironside

We'll be catching up with our sea-faring marauders on Thursday, and we'll also be (re) introduced to Bjorn Ironside, aka Bjorn Jarnsida, the son of the great Ragnar Lothbrook and his (ex) wife Lagertha the shieldmaiden. Of course, as we know, the Vikings saga has fast-forwarded four years into the future, and the young pre-teen is now a warrior young man. But what should you know about the great Bjorn Ironside?

Christian Bale Wife Pregnant: Sibi Blazic and American Hustle Star Expecting Second Child

Even though Christian Bale didn't take home an Oscar last week, he's taking home an even bigger prize: his wife, Sibi Blazic, is expecting the couple's second child!

See How MIT Researchers Are Trying to Turn GIFs Into a Language

GIFs rule the Internet, and this is especially true when we take into account the number of LOL Cats -- and Grumpy Cats -- we like in our travels along the information superhighway. (Although it's interesting to note that, for all of the information made so easily available to us on the Web, we choose to take all of our time and spend it on finding LOL Cats.) Still, if some researchers at MIT (!!!) were to have their way, they'd take the language of the Internet and make it a language onto itself!

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Dating 2014: Couple Seen Back Together in Austin, TX

I'm beginning to wonder if these two will ever be fully "done" with each other -- which, speaking from experience, may or may not be a bad thing. Regardless, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were spotted in Austin, TX yesterday "looking very much like a couple," leading some people to speculate that the volatile couple just might be back together after all!

Anger Management T.V. Show Cast News: Is Charlie Sheen Causing Problems on Set?

Some people just won't let Mr. Tiger Blood be great! Charlie Sheen is reportedly in a whole mess of trouble because his failure to show up to the set of "Anger Management" is causing production problems and hold-ups!

Gwyneth Paltrow's Former High School Friends Confirm She Was a "Mean Girl" in High School

Gwyneth Paltrow always comes off as someone who just feels as though she's so much better than everyone else. Even though, by NYC standards, she was raised upper-middle class (her mother was a B-list actress; her father, a B-list director), she tries to come across so high-society, so Lady-of-the-Manor, so holier-than-thou that the average person would find her sickening (present company included). So, it comes as no surprise to anyone that a few of her former high school friends have confirmed that she was a "mean girl" even back then.

Juan Pablo Galvais of The Bachelor Voted the "Worst Bachelor Ever"

He's made countless jokes at the expense of gays & mentally challenged people, he's slut-shamed the very women that he slept with, he has lied about his professional career, and he's abandoned the very daughter he claims to love to chase "love" in the name of a reality show. With all of this in mind, then, it's no wonder that Juan Pablo Galvais has been voted the "Worst Bachelor Ever."

Top Movie Sales 2014: "300: Rise of an Empire" Takes Box Office Gold Opening Weekend

The battle cries of the Spartan soldiers have once again galloped to the top of the box office: "300: Rise of an Empire" took the top spot in this weekend's box office, coming home with an impressive $45 million in receipts in its first weekend alone.

Apple iPad Air Specs, Rumors, and Update: Air 2 Release Date as Early as the Fall, Here's What to Expect

With the runaway success of the Apple iPad Air -- combined with the anticipation of the iPhone 6 -- the computer giant is gearing up for the iPad Air 2 release... which some experts suggest could be as soon as the fall of this year!

Star Wars Episode 7 Movie Cast, Rumors, and News: Carrie Fisher Confirms She's in London Shooting Episode 7

In case you were wondering if you can count on Carrie Fisher -- who played Princess Leia in the original "Star Wars" trilogy -- to appear in the new "Star Wars Episode 7," you can rest easy knowing that not only is she confirmed for the much-anticipated sequel in the "Star Wars" saga, but her role is much bigger than originally thought!

Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini Leaked Online; Smaller Version Of Popular Smartphone?

The Samsung Galaxy S5 is, perhaps, the biggest Android sensation to date, so you can imagine how nuts the Internet went when rumors began to surface that a Mini version of the S5 was leaked!

Seth MacFarlane, Voices of 'Family Guy' Characters Brian and Stewie, to Produce 'Cosmos' Science Documentary Reboot on FOX

Seth MacFarlane has made his beliefs on science, creationism, and theism pretty clear for many years vis-a-vis Brian, the anthropomorphic talking dog on the animated hit show "Family Guy." Now, MacFarlane is boldly going where no animator has gone before: he's become the executive producer of "Cosmos," the 21st century reboot of the classic Carl Sagan PBS series.

Fireball Explosion At Yellowknife: See Video As Observers Look In Awe [WATCH]

A massive meteor has exploded over Earth, and observers looking at the night sky in Yellowknife -- a small town in Canada's Northwest territories -- took photos of what was later described as a "fireball."

Jennifer Lawrence Golden Globes 2014 and Movies: Jared Leto Wonders If 'American Hustle' Actress Faked Her Oscars 2014 Fall

Oscar winner Jared Leto (yes, we live in a world where Jordan Catalano and David Wooderson have Oscars), has spoken his mind about what we've all been thinking: that unlikely "girl next door" Jennifer Lawrence is just putting one on when it comes to her "look at me, I'm so awkward just like you" act.

Ke$ha Rehab, Twitter & Instagram: Kesha Returns After Treating Eating Disorder

For the past two months, "Timber" singer Ke$ha has been in rehab for an eating disorder; yesterday, however, she left the rehab facility, began her rebranding efforts, and told her fans to expect "tons of new music"!

Oscar Pistorius Case, Trial, And Verdict Prediction: Ex-Girlfriend Testifies in Murder Trial, Says He Cheated

The Oscar Pistorius trial is under way, and in yesterday's testimony, his ex-girlfriend took the stand to testify that not only did the "Blade Runner" cheat on her continuously, but he kept a gun by his bed...perhaps to offer testimony that Oscar was of less than favorable moral fiber?

'Vikings' TV Show Season 2: Linus Roache, Former 'Law and Order SVU' Star, Becomes King Ecbert

When last we left our sea-faring Norsemen, Ragnar Lothbrook and his merry band of marauders washed upon the shores of Wessex in Britain. Ragnar came into the bathhouse of King Ecbert, and the world was introduced -- again -- to the British actor Linus Roache, this time with his native British accent. So, the question begs itself: who is the actor playing the King of Wessex?

Where is the Cast of Star Wars Episodes 1, 2, and 3 Now?

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the cast of the "Star Wars" saga couldn't go anywhere without being recognized. Of course, nothing good lasts we got to wondering, where is the cast of the "Star Wars" saga now? We decided to find out!

The Evolution of Juanes: How a Colombian Rock Sensation Became the Next Big American Thing

A few years ago, no one outside of the Latino rock world knew who Juanes was. Sure, he had a great amount of success within that world, but if you were to ask the average gringo about Juanes, he'd look at you funny and say "Who?" Alas, look what a few years has done: Juanes sang a tribute to Elton John at the Grammys, appeared on countless American talk shows, and even made an appearance on Dancing with the Stars! Now, in this week coming up, he'll make a stop on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, making his appearance the first appearance of a Latin American star on the new Tonight Show.

"300: Rise of an Empire" Movie Release Date and Opening Weekend: Here's Pics from the L.A. Premiere [SLIDESHOW]

“300: Rise of an Empire,” told in the breathtaking visual style of the blockbuster “300,” is a new chapter of the epic saga, which takes the action to a new battlefield—the sea!

"Burger King Baby" Looks For Mom 20 Years After Being Left in Fast Food Restroom

In 1986, a baby was born to a woman who subsequently left her in the bathroom of a Burger King in Allentown, PA. Workers who opened the restaurant heard the baby's cries, and found her on the floor of the women's restroom, wrapped in a maroon sweatshirt & her umbilical cord still attached. Today, the woman is named Katherine Deprill, and she's married with three children...and she'd like nothing more than to connect with her long-lost birth mother.

Lindsay Lohan New T.V. Show: "Lindsay" Show to Make Its Debut on Oprah's OWN Channel

So, the "Lindsay" show -- which made its "first look" debut online, and will premiere on Sunday night at 10pm on the OWN Network -- has confirmed what most of us already know: Lindsay Lohan is a beautiful disaster, but damn if she doesn't make good television.