Articles by Chaka Phillips

Chaka Phillips

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Latest from this author

Spain's Immigration Problem: Out of Which Comes a Story About Princesa

Some critics are calling Spain's immigration problem much worse than America's. Over the past few months, the U. S. has had a burgeoning immigration problem with the migrant children crossing the American frontiers.

CBS 'Extant' TV Series Starring Halle Berry: Review of Episode 6 Titled 'Nightmares'

Steven Spielberg borrows from his previous work, and it sells on "Extant." "Extant" continues to surprise and scare its audience with its recent episodes.

Female Empowerment in Comics: An All Female Spin-Off Version of 'The Spider-Man' Is Planned

From more diversity to feminism in the world of Comic Books. "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" kicked off the unofficial start of summer back in May.

HASBRO Inc.: American Multi-National Toy and Board Game Makers Getting Involved In 3D Printing

What is HASBRO doing with 3D printing? 3D Printing is about to take its next leap into the world of toys. HASBRO Inc. , one of the largest international toy and board game makers of G.

'Extant' Starring Halle Berry: Review of Episode 5 'What On Earth Is Wrong?'

What happened to Molly's baby? What has happened to Ethan? The CBS summer TV series "Extant" has gone ever deeper than the darkest regions of space with its latest episode.

NASA: Space Agency Tests 'Impossible' Engine

What can The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) "impossible" really accomplish?

Women In Politics: The Facts and Figures

What does the data say about women in politics? After the 1920s, the women's suffragist movement that gave them the right to vote perhaps led to the influence and galvanization of the rise of female politicians then and now.

'Extant' Episode & Cast Review News 2014: The Rise of Arlen Escarpeta

Who is Arlen Escarpeta? "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit" and "Without Trace" are just two of the shows this rising star has appeared in.

Hannibal Season 3: What Do We Know So Far?

Who is returning and who will live for Season 3? "Hannibal" Season 2 ended with a lot of blood, rain, cut throats, and lots of major characters covered in blood.

'A Wrinkle In Time' Film: Helmed by Director of Disney's Animated 'Frozen'

What can the "Frozen" director bring to this newest film project of "A Wrinkle In Time"? This will be a second movie for "A Wrinkle in Time."

Hilary Clinton 2016: What Can She Bring to the Presidency?

Hilary Clinton: Former First Lady to President Bill Clinton; Former Secretary of State; Writer, and Politician. Mrs. Clinton has a reputable resume.

Doctors Who Can't Place in US Medical Schools: A Second Chance in the Caribbean

A medical school in the Caribbean may prove to more competitive now than in recent memory. Some doctors are having a second chance at getting into medical school, and the opportunity lies in the Caribbean.

Comic Book Sales: On the Rise, Both in Print and Digitally

What has attributed to this sales increase of the the graphic novels? Marvel and DC Comics are leading the way in comic books with Spider-man and Batman respectively, and also some lesser known comic book publishers are helping to boost sales in print and digital downloads.

Social Media: Sites You Have Probably Never Heard of but Should

Social media sites such as, About.Me, among others, their names are not memorable, but what they can offer perhaps might stick with you.

LinkedIn: Online Professional Business Giant Paid Out $6 Million in Overtime Pay Violation

$6 million payout for back wages and damages are going to 359 current and former LinkedIn employees.

'Interstellar' Movie, Trailer & Film 2014: New Video Preview Released; 'Horns & 'Tusk' Also Unveil Sneak Peeks

These collection of films vary from science-fiction, dark, to downright weird. Brace yourselves, moviegoer: three films previewed their trailers out of last month's Comic-Con that border on science-fiction, scary and creepy, and they involve Matthew McConaughey, Daniel Radcliffe and Justin Long.

Harry Potter: New Book Covers Revised

These are new revised Harry Potter book covers of all seven books, these are not rewrites of the previous books.

August: New Film and TV Titles on DVD and for Streaming on Netflix

Netflix brings new and old films this month. It is August -- you know what that means -- the last month of summer, and new films and TV shows on DVD and for streaming on Netflix.

Central American Leaders Visit US: Discuss Migrant Children, Some Call It an Apology Tour

What can the Central American leaders do? The growing crisis of the immigrant children crossing the U. S. borders has gotten both national and international interest, but now the Central American countries from which the children are fleeing from appear to be getting involved as well.

Comic-Con Update: 5 things From The 4-day Event That Some Of Us Knew, Did Not Know, And Did Not Want To Know That Happened

Peter Jackson and Daniel Radcliffe visited the Comic-Con event in disguise is just one of the highlights.

'Extant' Review: Episode 4 'Shelter' Starring Halle Berry

Episode 4's of "Extant" titled "Shelter" is getting darker. "Extant" appears to be getting darker and a lot more adult--I think they might have to change the rating to NC-17.

Star Trek 'The Next Generation': The New Borg Refrigerator

Resistance might be futile in buying the out-of-this-world fridge. Run for your lives, it's the Borg! In this case, the titular "Star Trek" villains the "Borg" have been downgraded from an intergalactic genocidal species to that of a hot-and-cold refrigeration unit.

Star of 'Guardians Of The Galaxy': Dave Bautista Talks About The Film, His Heritage, Auditions, Workouts and Wrestling

Did you know that Dave Bautista is actually half-Greek and half-Filipino? The "Guardians of the Galaxy" is here to save the world, and the World Wrestling Entertainment performer Dave Bautista is bringing his acting and wrestling talents to his new found fame.

NASA Goes to Pluto: The Former Planet That Was

Why is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) going to Pluto now? It looks like Pluto might be getting a second chance at becoming a "planet" once again.

White House Calls for Pardon for Al-Jazeera English Journalists Sent to Egypt Prison

What do these arrests mean for journalists everywhere? Egypt has just seemingly recovered from its civil turmoil after Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi was overthrown.
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