Report: AT&T Launches New Unlimited Data Plan For All Users

AT&T launches new unlimited data plan for all customers. From this, the customers will get extra advantage

Magma Power: Scientists Drill Volcanoes To Harness The Awesome Energy.

The researchers have successfully drilled volcanoes for awesome energy. The researchers will continue volcanoes thermal power use by 2018.

Kim Jong Nam Murder: Woman Arrested In Death Of Kim Jong Un's Half Brother

Malaysian police have detained a woman for Kim Jong Nam's murder. The police are further investigation of the murder case.

Report: A 7-Year-Old Girl Asked Google For Job - Got Response From Google CEO Sundar Pichai

A 7-year-old girl is shocked after receiving job response from Google CEO. Google boss tells her to "follow her dreams"

Report: 1,700-Year-Old Untouched Tomb Discovered In Mexico

The 1,700-year-old untouched tomb is discovered in Mexico. The tomb belongs to Comala period.

Report: The Details Of North Korean Missile, Revealed By Pentagon.

Last week North Korea has tested the ballistic missile. Pentagon reveals on weekend launch of North Korea missile

Report: NASA Reveals 2 New Mission To Study Asteroids

NASA unveils 2 new mission to study asteroids. The aim of the mission is to focus the destination of asteroids throughout a solar system.

Report: New Sunshine Brings Radio To Remote Parts Of South Sudan

The new radio station Mayardit of South Sudan has been running successfully in the sunshine. The new sunshine brings light to the remote parts of South Sudan

Archaeologists Found 12th Dead Sea Scrolls Cave In Israel

Archaeologists have finally discovered a dead sea cave in Israel.

Researchers Discover Underwater Landslide In Australia

Researchers from various institutions have discovered underwater landslide in Australia. The ancient undersea landslide is more than 30 times the volume of Uluru.

Animation Shows Four Alien Planets Orbiting A Star 129 Light Years Ago

The new animation shows four massive planets orbiting the sun, five times bigger than the sun. The four alien world is orbiting a star nearly 129 light years away.

Report: Journalists Call Out White House Claims On Terror-Reporting

Donald Trump administration called out journalists at White House to claim on under-reported terror attack. The White House has distributed a list of 78 terror attacks

Qatar Spending $500 Million A Week For 2022 World Cup Infrastructure Projects

Qatar is spending $500 million a week for the 2022 world cup. The entire project would total to $200 billion when completed.

Report: Syria Secretly Hanged 13,000 Peoples In Jail, Says Amnesty

Amnesty International says, in five years Syria hanged up to 13,000 peoples in jail. But the Syrian government has denied the killing of mistreating detainees

Kabul Blast Report: Suicide Bomber Killed 20 Peoples At Kabul's Supreme Court

The suicide bombing has been killed 20 peoples in Kabul. There was no immediate claimed for the attack

Iran Vows To Use 'Roaring Missiles' If Threatened, Defies New Sanctions

Iran has recently tested a ballistic missile. The new report has suggested that Iran would use its missiles if its security is under threat

Earthquake In India: 5.8 Magnitude Earthquake Hits India, NDRF Team Puts On High Alert

The 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck in India. The governmental NDRF team puts on high alert.

Donald Trump Update: Howard Stern Says Trump's Sensitive Ego Won't Survive Presidency

The close friend of Donald Trump believes that Trump's sensitive ego won't survive the presidency. Stern believes that Trump's presidential bid just a lark so that he could get more money out of NBC.

New England Patriots Expect Tom Brady To Play 3-5 More Years

The 39-year-old Tom Brady expects to play 3-5 more years. Patriots have reportedly confirmed this news.

E-Cigarettes Smoking Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease, Study Suggests

Vaping might increase the risk of heart disease. The study suggests that Electronic-cigarette are not harmless

Okapara University Discovers The Cure Medicine For HIV/AIDS, Scientist Confirms

The researchers from Michael Okapara University have discovered the cure medicine for HIV. The finding is followed years of scientific research by the institution

US Defence Secretary Mattis Warns North Korea Of 'Overwhelming' Response To Nuclear Use

US defense secretary James Mattis reassured the South Korean Government about the North Korea's nuclear attack.Mattis warns North Korea of 'overwhelming' response to nuclear use

Donald Trump News and Update: US President Threatens To Send Troops To Mexico, In Call With Mexican Government

US president Trump threatens to send US troops to Mexico. He sends US troops across the border to stop "bad hombre".

Report: Trump Nominates Neil Gorsuch To Fill Vacant Supreme Court Seat

President Trump nominates federal judge Neil Gorsuch for the supreme court. The decision is taken to fill vacant supreme court seat

The Dinosaur age insect found in Amber

The scientist has uncovered 100 million years ago dinosaurs age insect in Amber. The alien looking insect left the scientist tizzy
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