Articles by Emily Joy C.

Emily Joy C.

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Grupo Mexico Seals A Deal To Buy $2.1 Billion Worth Of Florida East Coast Railway: Conglomerate Hopes For US Government Approval

The biggest mining company in Mexico with its railway transport division Ferromex collaborates to buy the Florida East Coast Railway.

Brazil Is First To Qualify On 2018 World Cup Finals in Russia

Brazil got a 3-0 victory over Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina, as it bags the first place for the qualifying team to enter the World Cup Finals in 2018.

'The Simpsons' With Norman Lear On Episodes Of Season 29 As He Appears With One Of His Works' Theme Songs

Norman Lear will appear as himself on one of the episodes of season 29. Celebrity Cameos as a tradition in 'The Simpsons' animated TV series.

Predatory Lizards Or Anolis Porcatus Are Set To Endanger The Normal Fauna Of Brazil

Out on the Port of Santos in Brazil, a native species of Cuba, the invasive Anolis porcatus kind has started to take its residence. Their predatory nature can endanger the normal fauna of Brazil.

Justin Bieber & His Rented Mosman Mansion In Sydney: Bieber Left The Place With Foul Odor & Damaged Furnitures

The party lover Justin Bieber took his wild side to Australia as he stayed in the $20 million Mosman mansion in Sydney. However, professional deodorizing and major clean up was needed to bring the place back to its top condition.

'Jane The Virgin' Season 3 Reviews Episode 14 Titled 'Chapter Fifity-Eight' How Jane And Petra Become Better Mothers To Their Children

Jane and Petra show different approaches to being a mother, but when a rivalry reveals 'insecurity issues', they tried to patch things up and collaborated well with the help Rafael.

One Direction's Liam Payne Is A Proud Father To His Son With Former Girls Aloud Cheryl Cole

Liam Payne shares on his social media account his heartwarming pose with his eldest son with partner Cheryl Cole.

Jennifer Lopez & Alex Rodriguez Spotted Together On Their Way To Hotel Bel-Air For A Romantic Dinner Date

It must be love for Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez as they went for a romantic dinner date at Hotel Bel-Air Los Angeles after going on a hot vacation with the Yankees star in the Bahamas.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Will Undergo A Forced Software Update That Will Make All Unreturned Units Useless

The total recall of all Galaxy Note 7 is still unsuccessful due to some stubborn consumers. With the forced software update, users will have to say goodbye to their faulty Galaxy Note 7 forever.

'Sesame Street's New Character Julia, The 4-Year-Old Kid With Autism Will Surely Touch The Hearts Of Its Viewers

'Sesame Street' introduces a new muppet character that has autism. Julia will have her debut episode on April 10.

Oil & Gas Company Eni Discovers Oil Reservoirs In The Shallow Waters of Campeche Bay, Mexico

Eni is an Italian multinational company that has been exploring oil in Mexico since 2006. Recently it has drilled a considerable amount of oil in a reservoir from untouched parts of offshore Mexico.

Xiaomi Redmi 4A Was A Major Hit For Amazon and With A Record-Breaking 250,000 Units Sold in 4 Minutes

On Thursday, Xiaomi released their latest smartphone the Redmi 4A and has quickly caught the attention of the buying public. Only at Rs. 5,999, The Redmi 4A is affordable given its innovative features.

'Supergirl' Season 2 Episode 17 Titled 'Distant Sun' Airs on Monday, March 27: Alex Will Meet Maggie's Ex-Girlfriend Emily

On Monday's episode, Alex and Maggie were walking together after their yoga class when they bumped into Maggie's ex-girlfriend. While Supergirl has a large bounty on her head as alien troublemakers went to find her in National City.

Chile's National Parkland Increases By A Million Acre Because Of Tompkins Conservation: 11 Million Acres Parkland Will Boost Eco-Tourism Of Chile

Chile will add one million acres more from its parklands because of an agreement with Tompkins Conservation. The preservationist couple had been getting lands in Chile since the 1990's and was known to be philanthropists.

Marc Anthony With New Girlfriend Model Mariana Downing Attends The Maestro Cares Foundation Gala In New York City

Marc Anthony attended the gala of The Maestro Cares Foundation on Tuesday with his new girlfriend, 21-year-old model Mariana Downing.

Cannibalism In Spain During The Mesolithic Period Discovered From 30 Human Bones With Significant Markings

Even at the time of Stone Age period, cannibalism or anthropophagic practices has been done by early human being. A group of anthropologists has discovered remains of cannibalism from some 10,000 years ago.

'Grey's Anatomy' Producer Teases On The Appearance Of Jo's Estranged Husband To The Medical Drama

'Grey's Anatomy' will have a blasting season ender with new characters arriving and will stay up for the next season. The show's producers have teased the possibility that Jo's estranged husband will make a significant appearance on the remaining episodes of season 13.

'Grey's Anatomy' Season 13 Spoilers Episode 19 Titled 'What's Inside' Highlights Maggie's Determination To Handle A Challenging Case

'Grey's Anatomy' Episode 19 airs on April 6 and is titled 'What's Inside' featuring Maggie Pierce handling a big case that her colleagues doubts she can do. Season 13 is coming to its end with only five episodes left.

iPhone 7 & iPhone 7 Plus (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition Red Matte Aluminum Finish Supports The Total Eradication Of AIDS

iPhone 7 & iPhone 7 Plus (PRODUCT) RED Special Edition was announced last Tuesday to mark Red and Apple Company's partnership to support Red Organization's mission.

Humanitarian Aids From Chile, Colombia & Ecuador Has Already Arrived In Flood-Hit Peru

Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador helped in the Peruvian government who have used up all their resources as massive flood endanger Peru.

'Fifty Shades Darker' Star Bella Heathcote Is Engaged With Longtime Boyfriend Director Andrew Dominik

The sad Leila Williams in 'Fifty Shades Darker' is more than happy in real life as Bella Heathcote wears her engagement ring with director Andrew Dominik.

Black Hole Images Will Be Unveiled Soon By The Event Horizon Telescopes Starting April 5

Black Hole images are still a product of the imagination nowadays, but the Event Horizon Telescopes will find a way to finally bring the real picture.

'Supergirl' Season 2 Episode 16 Reviews Kara & Winn Discovered The Secrets Of Their Partners in 'Star-Crossed'

Kara discovers the background of Mon-El as Prince of Daxamite, while Winn was framed up by Lyra in stealing the famous Van Gogh painting.

Jennifer Garner Spends Time With Kids Days After Ben Affleck Announce Completion Of His Alcoholism Treatment

Ben Affleck's Facebook post paved the way to different reactions, but it was those people closest to him that paved way for his cure.

'Beauty And The Beast' Climbs To The Highest Spot As It Surpass Batman vs Superman At The Box Office

'Beauty and the Beast' has reached the top over the weekend as it already exceeded some of the box office hit movies last year, including 'Batman vs Superman', Finding Dory and others.