Articles by Erik Derr

Erik Derr

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Viewing This Year's Geminid Meteor Shower Will Be a Challenge

Astronomers warn bright moonlight will flood the sky through much of that night, washing out at least some of the otherwise spectacular meteor shower.

Antarctic Ozone Hole Size Unaffected By Humans

People won't be able to see the ultimate impact of reducing ozone-eating chemicals in the atmosphere until around 2025, the research team said, adding the hole won't be completely closed until about 2070.

Obamacare Deadline Extended for "High Risk" Applicants

The deadline extension for the some of the country's sickest is the latest in a half-dozen delays in Obamacare provisions ordered by President Obama as a way to give people more time and healthcare enrollment options.

82-Year-Old Carries Fetus 40 Years [VIDEO]

A lithopedion, otherwise known as stone child, is a dead fetus, usually the result of a primary or secondary abdominal pregnancy retained by the mother and then calcified over time.

Water Plumes Seen on Jupiter Moon Europa

The vapor jets were not detected during Hubble's observations in the same region in October 1999 or even November 2012, n The Galileo probe, which flew by Europa nine times in the late 1990s, didn't see any plumes there either.

Found: Duck-Billed Dino With Rooster Crest

Duck-billed dinosaurs were gentle giants are believed to have been the most common dinosaurs in North America between 75 and 65 million years ago, individually measuring about 30 feet long.

FDA Approves Hepatitis C Pill

The FDA's recent approval of the Sovaldi pill allows at least some Hepatitis C sufferers to say good-bye to weekly drug injections that often have debilitating side effects.

Google Maps Shows Where Impact Killed Off Dinos

Created with multi-beam sonar technology, the first detailed map of the impact crater left when an asteroid or comet crashed into a shallow body of water near the Yucatán Peninsula is accessible through Google Maps and Google Earth.

FDA Denies Female Sex Drug...Again

After turning down the drug in 2010 when it was developed by another pharmaceuticals company, the FDA has again rejected flibanserin after the producer re-submitted the application for the drug with 14 new clinical studies.

Mars Colonization Startup Gets Backing of Aerospace Giant

The nonprofit venture, Mars One, has announced a partnership with Colorado-based Lockheed Martin Space Systems to develop an unmanned spacecraft to land on Mars.

Drugs Don't Slow Spread of New Bird Flu

Although some experts have said there is yet no evidence of any easy or sustained transmission of H7N9 between humans, an analysis of probable transmission published last August strongly indicated it can at times jump between people.

NYC Votes on Flu Shot Mandate

The measure, backed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration, will mandate annual flu vaccinations by Dec. 31 each year for all children under 5 in city-licensed preschools and daycare centers.

Memories of Photographers Often Less Than Picture-Perfect

People who took photographs of objects seen during a museum tour are less likely to remember facts about the museum visit than others who gaze at the museum items.

Study: Organic Milk Best for Human Hearts

The study tested an estimated 400 samples of organic and conventional milk over a period of 18 months and revealed conventional milk had an average omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio of 5.8, more than twice that of organic milk.

New Cockroach Found in America: 11 Things to Know

A new cockroach found in New York City is notably resistant to cold weather, is able to survive in the frigid outside and thrives on ice. That may not bode well for its American cousins, in the ongoing survival of the fittest.

Scientists Discover Way to Neutralize CO2 Acid in Oceans

Scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California have developed a technique that, basically, exchanges bad carbon dioxide with an eco-friendly solution.
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