Articles by Erik Derr

Erik Derr

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Latest from this author

Discovery at Museum Gives New Meaning to 'Coming Out of the Closet'

A new archaeological find by the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, otherwise known as the Penn Museum, proves it's never too late to come out of the closet.

Preschoolers Diagnosed with Depression Likely to Suffer Throughout Youth

Children diagnosed with depression at very young ages are very likely to suffer the disorder well into their adolescent years, if not farther, says new research out of Washington University in St. Louis.

Study: Best Way to Find a Narcissist Is to Ask Them

New research from Ohio State University suggests narcissists know what they are - and are able to readily admit their vanity when asked.

New Dinosaur in Venezuela the Size of 'Small Dog'

Venezuela has yielded the remains of first new dinosaur species found in the north of South America: a creature estimated the size of a small dog, which mostly ate plants but likely also feasted on insects and other small pray.

NASA Mars Orbiters to Steer Clear of Nearing Comet

There's a comet headed toward Mars and the last thing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration wants is any of its robot orbiters circling the Red Planet to end up the victim of a comet-particle impact.

SpaceX Picks Texas for Commercial Launch Site

SpaceX, the private space transport company led by visionary entrepreneur Elon Musk, is seeing its plans for a commercial space launch site in clearer focus, now that it's decided to build the first-of-its-kind facility in Texas.

NASA Uses Ancient Galaxy Like a Magnifying Glass

Astronomers have found the oldest known galaxy to date - that can be used as an interstellar magnifying glass to detect other, more distant galaxies.

In Florida, It's Pay to Play - with Wolves

Similar to the 1990 Kevin Costner film "Dances With Wolves," there's a unique wildlife program in Floria that could be appropriately dubbed "Hanging With Wolves, For a Price."

Ancient Whale Found in Backyard of LA Area Home

A Los Angeles County search-and-rescue team responded to a call last Friday and ended up pulling the remains of an estimated 16- to 17-million-year-old baleen whale from a resident's backyard.

Researchers Map Migration of Culture Over Time

An international team of researchers has combined three huge databases used to record the births and deaths of notable people and mapped the geographic migration of culture through history.

Researchers Make Whole See-Through Mice

The concept of transparency in scientific exploration has taken on a whole new meaning at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.

Cheesecake Factory, Red Robin Lead 2014 'Xtreme Eating Awards'

When it comes to serving up large meals with lots of calories, The Cheesecake Factory - which operates about 150 outlets throughout the world - apparently, er, takes the cake.

NASA: Giant Asteroids Gave Early Earth Extreme Surface Makeover

New research from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration shows the earth's earliest rocks and outer crust were likely lost to giant asteroids.

Monterey Bay Invaded by Blue Sail-Like Creatures

California's Monterey Bay has been covered as of late with tiny blue sails - but not because of a miniature boat festival or anything like that.

Oregon Community Awash in Dead Fish

The coastal community of Seaside, Oregon, is glistening with thousands of anchovies that tried to swim up the Necanicum River July 28 - and died.

Johns Hopkins Study: Blood Test Could Predict Suicide Risk

A single human gene associated with stress may be the secret link researchers have been looking for, in their efforts to predict those prone to committing suicide.

NASA Unveils Mars 2020 Rover Instruments Thursday

The instruments planned for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's next rover mission to Mars will be unveiled Thursday, July 31, starting at noon Eastern Daylight Saving Time, by way of a live broadcast on NASA Television and the space agency's official Website.

Secrets of Ship Found at World Trade Center Site Revealed Through Tree Rings

Four years after archaeologists overseeing excavation of the former World Trade Center site uncovered an ancient sailing ship, the mysteries of the old wooden vessel are finally unfurled.

Asian Anteater Is Being Eaten to Extinction

Found on both the Asian and African continents, the pangolin, or scaly anteater, is being eaten off the face of the earth, wildlife researchers say.

Next Supermoon Could Hide Best Meteor Shower of Year

The next so-called Supermoon, when a full moon occurs at its perigee - the closest point to Earth in its orbit - is due Aug. 10, which may make for a less-than-super annual Perseid meteor shower.

Without More Money, NASA's New SLS Rocket May Miss Own Launch Date

The flight program intended to get the United States back to the moon, to Mars and beyond might not be able to get off the ground itself, without more federal funding.

Study: Dogs Indeed Get Jealous and Compete for Attention

A new study from the University of California, San Diego has confirmed something that many in America's pet-friendly society likely will consider nearly as obvious as the nose on a canine's face: dogs get jealous.

Scientists Investigate Giant Mystery Crater on Siberian Peninsula [Video]

An emergency science expedition has been sent to a remote region of Siberia, where a giant pit with a width of 80 meters, or just over 262 feet, has opened up about 19 miles from a strategic oil and gas region.

Push to Make California 6 New States Qualifies for Ballot, Latino Voters Laugh

An effort to break California up into six new states is apparently on its way to a ballot in 2016, after supporters of the campaign have delivered more than enough qualifying signatures to the state capital in Sacramento.

Climate Study Says Florida Heat Will Reach New England in Decades

Depending on your perspective, you could find the country's predicted climate shifts alarming and disruptive or refreshing, especially if you enjoy summering in Florida or California, but live a great distance from either.