Articles by Honey A. Demecillo

Honey A. Demecillo

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Jennifer Lopez Performs Her Latest Spanish-Language Song ‘Mirate’ At 2017 Billboard Latin Music Award

Jennifer Lopez receives her latest award on 2017 Billboard Latin Music Awards. Alex Rodriguez failed to attend her successful performance.

‘Snatched’ News Update: Amy Schumer Admits Her First Major Priority On Films

Amy Shcumer further revealed she still wants to be a stand up comdian despite of the cancellation of her show due to her health issue. on the far side, Amy Schumers really wanted Goldie Hawn as her real life mother.

FCC-Acrush: China's Hottest New Boy Band That Consist of Five Beautiful Women

FCC-Acrush, China's latest boy band that is made up of five singers that are actually female singers that gain 750,000 followers after a series of live performance.

Fitbit Flex 2: A Wearable Fitness Tracker Reportedly Exploded On Its Own, Wisconsin Woman's Claim

A two week old Fitbit Flex 2 was caught fire while Dina Mitchell was wearing it and the wearable company immediately conducted an initial investigation after it was reportedly exploded.

'Fate and the Furious' Top On Box Office Hit; 'How To Be A Latin Lover' On Second Line

“Fate and the Furious” still the champion on box office hits. While two other movies are willing to beat their position.

Facebook, Google: Two Giant Companies Recently Reported Scammed More Than $100M

Data breaches, malware, and ransomware attacks are the most dangerous digital threat that everyone needed to be more vigilant.

'Arrested Development' Season 5 Will be Soon Aired in Netflix, Movie Version is Coming Its Way, Report Says

"Arrested Development" Season 5 has been moving slowly as the creator Mitchell Hurwitz has been discussing a movie version.

Hulu’s Upcoming Adaptation ‘Locke & Key’; Portrayal Of Characters Still A Mystery

“Locke & Key” were likely to have an adaptation under the direction of Scott Derrickson. Details about the characters of portrayal was still a mystery.

‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Review

The television network, Hulu already released the adaptation film “The Handmaid’s Tale.” The American movie series was compared on US leader administration.

FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai Announced its Proposal To Change Net Neutrality Regulations For Online Traffic

Net neutrality regulations are designed to ensure the flow of online content as they prohibit the broadband providers from slowing the Internet speeds for some contents.

‘Killer of the Flower Moon’ News Update: Leonardo DiCarpio, Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro Planned To Team-Up On David Grann Adaptation Book

“Killer of the Flower Moon” film rumored of having a team-up by best men in Hollywood. Who will feature in the film since other artists want the genre?

Tom Hanks Planned For 29th Wedding Anniversary With Rita Wilson

Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson planning for their celebration of 29th anniversary. They were spotted in the red carpet premiere night of Tom Hanks new movie “The Circle” and leaved further statement about the movie.

Amazon's Autonomous Vehicles Could Help Deliver Package in a Fastest Way

The autonomous vehicle is an ambitious plan of Amazon that can transport more packages. Amazon is an online shopping business that is taking good care of its increasing delivery chain.

James Cameron Ready To Tape Four “Avatar” Sequels

James Cameron announced the sequel of “Avatar” to happen in consecutive year. But who will be the new cast.

Tesla's Superchargers Station Will Be Expanding Globally By 2018

A first mass-market vehicles as it continues to increase Tesla's Model S and Model X fleet, Tesla will start building Supercharger station to accommodate every single EV vehicles.

Gwen Stefani Shared A Fake Tattoo Wearing With His Sons; Adam Levine Nearly Offended By The Singer

Gwen Stefani shared a photo showing her sons fake tattoo just look like with her boyfriend, Blake Shelton. Gwen Stefani nearly offended Adam Levine and quickly answer on the female singer questioned.

Tom Hardy Transformed Into A Real Life Superhero

The “Mad Max: Fury Road” actor, Tom Hardy was reported as real life superhero. The actor uses tricks on Hollywood to catch a bad guy.

‘Boss Baby’ Beaten Up To First Rank; ‘The Fate and the Furious’ Stay On Top

“Boss Baby” was reportedly beaten up by a new challenger “The Fate and the Furious.” While, new movie are coming out to beat the “Fast and the Furious 8.”

iOS 10.3.2 Release Beta 4 for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch That Rolls Out for Developers Portal For now

The most important things to know is the update is about fixing the bugs that have seen in iOS 10.3.1 and will improve its performance.

Nordstrom's 'Barracuda Straight Leg Jeans' An Expensive Jeans That Covered with Fake-Mud

A heavily distressed medium blue denim jeans that covered with a fake mud is apparently a geared towards customers enjoy wearing dirty jeans.

'Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite' Crossover Fighting Game Announced to a Have New Eight Characters That Release on September 19

Capcom announced in the new trailer that "Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite" will begin its crossover fight game on September 19.

Sony Xperia XZ Premium Latest News: Sony's Flagship Phone That Soon Comes With Bronze Pink

A new color variant of Sony Xperia XZ Premium that has been expertly crafted from top to bottom edges.

Microsoft Surface Pro 5 New Leak Reveals Release Date, Features, Price, & Specs

Microsoft Surface Pro 5 is believed to have newer processors with a massive storage and a long battery life this time.

Donald Trump Congratulate NASA Female Astronaut Peggy Whitson In Her Space Time Achievement

US President Donald Trump congratulate Peggy Whitson on her achievement on space. While the US President added to speed up on Mars.

‘The Science Guy’ Bill Nye Joined The Science March Campaign Against President Trump Administration

Bill Nye, also known as “the science guy” spotted joining a science march which serve a protest to Donald Trump administration idea of cutting of the budget. How will affect Trump’s decision to improve science investigation.