"America by the Numbers," the groundbreaking PBS documentary hosted by the incredible award-winning investigative journalist Maria Hinojosa premiered in fall 2014, and it showcased the changing demographics of the U.S. population.
The Bone Street Rumba urban fantasy series will only be a small part of author Daniel José Older's legacy. The Brooklyn-based, Boston-raised writer carries expertise in ghost noir, speculative fiction and anti-oppressive power analysis, which will ultimately prove how necessary his writing is.
A new report by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the National Alliance for Hispanic Health revealed a lack of diversity in clinical research and personalized medicine, and that such lacking diversity could actually be setting back scientific advances in health care.
"The 21st Century Women's Health Act," new legislation proposed by senior United States Senator from Washington Patty Murray, is a bill that looks to honor progress made on behalf of women's reproductive health care, and it proposes to protect those advancements. In a recent teleconference with Planned Parenthood, Murray discussed the bill, equality, opportunity and women's health.
It takes more than a list of recommendations to empower Latina leaders; it takes an expansion of opportunities and pathways to enable positive outcomes. It takes inclusiveness, teamwork, professional growth, relationship building and leveraging unique cultural perspective.
Women are the face of immigration reform. Sure, most of the politicians on Capitol Hill may not be women ...nor the raging activists captured in photographs, but women, young and old women; documented and undocumented women; DREAMers and hopefuls are demanding reform as they march the nation with their comadres.
"Straight Walk: A Supermodel's Journey To Finding Her Truth," is a memoir written by actress, model and business woman Patricia Velasquez, and the book had its coming out party this week at Teddy's in the swank and historic Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles.
Telemundo and NBC Universo has collaborated to create a year-round platform aimed towards delivering extended resources and educating the public via expert info on wellness and pressing health concerns
The 37,579,787 Spanish-speakers present in 2011 increased by 210 percent since 1980, and those numbers have continued to climb due to the influx of immigrants from Latin countries and in-nation Latino births. That said, as the U.S. Latino population grows, second and third generations of Latinos speak Spanish less and less ...but, some younger Latinos intend to change that.
Cristina Henríquez, author of the critically acclaimed novel "The Book of Unknown Americans," was born in the United States, but spent a great deal of her childhood in her father's home nation, Panama. Henríquez talks with Latin Post in this week's edition of "Palabras" to discuss her new book, Panama and how her travels made her a best-selling author.
Latinos are acutely aware of the way money flows in and out of markets, the way money fuels job security and the way money enables continued contribution the national economy. And that awareness has impacted the way Hispanic shoppers choose to spend their disposable income.
The southernmost contiguous state, Florida, has long been recognized for the large Latino population within its borders. Latinos represent 23.6 percent of the state's population. And just as the population size increased, as did Latino visibility, Latino-focused business and Latino entrepreneurship.
CUNY will be repaying thousands to 150 undocumented students who recently overpaid their tuition; the confusion largely due to the students' legal status.
Charlotte is the largest city in the North Carolina, it's the 16th largest city in the U.S. based on the population, and it is one of fastest growing cities in the United States. Also, it's stealthily becoming one of the fastest emerging Hispanic markets in the country.
So, U.S. Latinos aren't so different from other Americans after all; or at least that's to be surmised from the their preferences on U.S. foreign policy.
It's time to focus some attention on las chicas...the women who've penetrated industries and markets, offering their unique talents and perspectives, while simultaneously making enormous gains for themselves and setting the stage for the multi-generational success of Latinas. These women are power-wielding bombshells and champions of Latina sisterhood.
Breast cancer rates are lower among Latinas than women of other races and, consequently, the community has lower breast cancer mortality rates than African American women and non-Hispanic whites, alike. Yet, breast cancer remains the most common cancer for Hispanic/Latina women, and it's their leading cause of death.
Helena Maria Viramontes, critically acclaimed author and professor, reinforces the belief that fiction can rise from experience and personal understanding, amass amid the memories of generations of Chicano families raised in East Los Angeles, and grow around the fervor of familial love that only words can attempt to capture.
HIV infection is five times more prevalent among Latinos over 50 compared to non-Hispanic Whites. HIV-infected elders don't fare as well as others because they are unwilling to disclose information about their sex lives or drug usage with their health care providers. However, this racial gap concerning older Latinos isn't simply the result of high-risk behavior, but rather structural inequalities, which makes contact with the disease more likely, and access care or treatment less likely.
Dietary and lifestyle changes can alter the outcome for many who are leading unhealthy lives, but making that change involves addressing one's relationship with food, exercise, medical care and personal health. Also, it means becoming aware of cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Also, overcoming language barriers, and barriers pertaining to access to transportation and health insurance.
The sexually transmitted DNA virus, which can lead to numerous types of cancer, especially cervical cancer, is called human papillomavirus virus (HPV), and totally preventable. Unfortunately, many people don't know that.
Earlier this week, the Latino Commission on AIDS, the Hispanic Health Network and other affiliate organizations hosted the Third Annual Latino Health Advocacy Day in Manhattan, which educated the public about aging HIV-infected Latinos, strategies to engage Latino gay men, disparities and eliminating barriers, as well as safeguarding the future of young blacks and Latinos.
"Perla," "The Invisible Mountain" and "The Gods of Tango" are fictional fragments of who Robertis is as a writer. Her attraction to exploring the histories of silenced, forgotten or marginalized voices is rooted in a need to offer underserved communities a place in literature. This is why she's chosen to dedicate her life to creating stories that have been kept private, but will resonate with the public.
Latina feminist and 27-year-old native New Yorker Dior Vargas utilizes her own battle with major depressive disorder as the groundwork for her work with mental health advocacy.