Articles by Payton Guion

Payton Guion

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'Dragon Age: Inquisition' Stage, Release Date & Gameplay Rumors: How Will Weapon, Armor Customization Change?

How will weapon and armor customization be different than previous games in the series? As November inches ever closer, with it comes the intrigue of the newest release in the "Dragon Age" series.

Uganda Gays Come Out of 'Hiding,' Celebrate First Gay Pride Parade: Less Than Half of Expected Attendees Arrive

Gay pride parades are common in many Western countries, but before Saturday, they were unheard of in Uganda.

Obama: No Timetable for End of Iraq Airstrikes

U.S. began firing on Iraq to protect U.S. personnel and Iraqi religious minorities U. S. President Barack Obama said Saturday that he has no specific timetable for an end to airstrikes in Iraq, which began Friday, according to USA Today.

Remains of Jonestown Mass Suicide: Nine Victims Found in Delaware

Jonestown is the second-biggest single-event loss of American life It's been 35 years since the Jonestown massacre, in which more than 900 people died in a mass suicide-murder in Guyana, but a reminder of the horrific event came to light on Thursday.

Texas Gun Shows: Proposal to Sell Alcohol

Plan would only allow booze at shows without live ammunition Gun enthusiasts in Texas soon may be able to get their whiskey with their weapons if a proposal from the state Alcoholic Beverage Commission is accepted, according to an AP report.

President Obama Signs Bill Overhauling Veterans' Health Care

The $16.3 billion legislation aims to improve health care at VA clinics The shocking condition of health care for veterans in the U. S. may soon be a thing of the past.

NYU Hopes to Offer Students Access to Sex Therapy

School plans to post fliers advertising sex therapy in all university dorms Dear Prudence, I'm an incoming freshman at New York University and have found myself very confused sexually.

Russian Students Send Racist Birthday Message to President Obama at US Embassy in Moscow

Message comes at a time when U.S.-Russian relations are falling apart As if relations between the U. S. and Russia weren't already strained enough, some Russians couldn't resist sending President Barack Obama a racially charged birthday message, the Washington Times reported.

'Minecraft' for PS4 & Xbox One Release Date, Price: Launch Date for Next-Gen Game Revealed?

No official confirmation, but Minecraft console release date could be in August An official release date for the Xbox One and Playstation 4 versions of Minecraft have been hard to come by.

Oregon Wildfires 2014 Maps, Update: 275 Homes Evacuated; Which Areas Could Be Affected Next?

Oregon has 10 fires burning and season is far from over A new wildfire has forced the evacuation of 275 homes in Rowena, Oregon, a town in the Columbia River Gorge, according to The Associated Press.

Apple Tablet Deals, Specs, and Comparison: iPad Air vs. iPad Mini

How to decide between two very similar tablets When comparing the Apple iPad Air with its younger brother, the iPad Mini, it's really six of one, a smaller half-dozen of the other.

Apple and Samsung Agree to End Foreign Lawsuits Over Technology Patents

Battle still rages in the U.S. Apple and Samsung have been waging war over technology patents during the last few years, each claiming the other is stealing ideas.

Was Abraham Lincoln's Handwriting Found on Book Justifying Racism?

President who freed the slaves once read the book found in small Illinois town Illinois state historians on Tuesday confirmed that the handwriting found on a book called "Types of Mankind" belongs to none other than Abraham Lincoln, Time reported.

'Dragon Age: Inquisition' Stage, Release Date & Gameplay Rumors: Launch Date Pushed Back?

Game has been pushed back one month, but rumors are abound Game maker Bioware has pushed back the release date on its much anticipated "Dragon Age: Inquisition" title to November 18, but has leaked some details on the game to keep players salivating, according to HITC.

Android 4.0 Device Apps 2014: TouchPico Can Transform a Wall Into an 80-Inch Touchscreen Display

TouchPico devices are expected to start shipping in October If toting an 80-inch touchscreen display and a car full of equipment sounds like a hassle, stop living in the past.

iOS 8 Beta, Download, Release Date 2014: Beta 5 Release Emphasizes Health, Fitness Updates

One more beta version of the operating system is expected before the full launch Apple seems to be taking health seriously, and it's on display in the company's latest beta release of its iOS 8 operating system.

Earthquake in South Africa: Magnitude 5.3 Quake Felt in Johannesburg, Pretoria; 1 Dead

Several people also were caught in mines near the epicenter A magnitude 5. 3 earthquake hit the South African mining town of Orkney on Tuesday, killing one man when the wall of an unused building fell on top of him, according to a BBC report.

Ebola Virus & Outbreak NYC 2014: Patient in New York 'Unlikely' to Have Ebola

Man had been in West Africa, but doctors are hopeful it's not the virus. A man was admitted to New York City's Mount Sinai Hospital on Monday with symptoms similar to those out the Ebola virus that is ravaging West Africa, according to CNN.

Mexico, Sinaloa Violence: State Bans Journalists From Reporting on Crime

Law possibly backed by Mexican president who want to attract foreign investors In the Sinaloa state, which ranks among Mexico's most violent, reporters will no longer be allowed to organically report on criminal activity in the state, according to a report from the Los Angeles Times.

Two With Ebola Virus Disease to Get Treatment in Atlanta: Over 700 Dead Since March as Patients Enter US

An American man and woman that have been infected with the Ebola virus in West Africa are set to return home to the U.S. to receive treatment in Atlanta.

US Reaches Deal with Central America Over Migration Via La Bestia Train

Mexico and Guatemala agreed to help prevent migrants from illegally getting on the train The U. S. has reached an agreement with Guatemala and Mexico to try and prevent migrants from getting on an infamous freight train in an attempt to illegally enter the U.

George Clooney Movie News: Jodie Foster to Direct 'Money Monster' Film

The movie, called "Money Monster", to start filming in early 2015 Fresh off an Emmy nomination for directing an episode of the Netflix hit "Orange Is the New Black," Jodie Foster for the first time will direct a film starring George Clooney, according to Entertainment Weekly.

George Washington Bridge Scandal & News: GWB to Get Suicide Barrier

16 people jumped to their deaths from the bridge in 2013 The George Washington Bridge, which spans from New York to New Jersey, is set to get a suicide-prevention fence that could cost up to $47 million, according to a report from CBS News.

Drew Barrymore's Half Sister Jessica Found Dead in California

Jessica Barrymore was also a daughter of actor John Barrymore Jessica Barrymore, half sister of actress Drew Barrymore, was found dead on Tuesday in her car in south San Diego County area, according to the San Diego County Medical Examiner's Office.

Xbox One Games, Price, Comparison, & Update: Next-Gen Xbox to Go on Sale in China on Sept. 23

The console will be the first sold in China in 13 years After more than a decade of going without new video game consoles, Chinese consumers will be able to buy the Microsoft Xbox One starting Sept.