Articles by Roberto Ontiveros

Roberto Ontiveros

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Powerball Numbers and Results May 18, 2016: Watch Live Stream of Drawing for $60 Million Jackpot

Last Saturday’s winning numbers were 13, 27, 47, 64, 65 and 9. There were regular 553,303 regular winners, and $6,272,369 in non-jackpot money was won.

Donald Trump Will Turn the World Against the US, Former Mexican President Vincente Fox Warns

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox suggested that if Donald Trump were elected President of the United States, the world would become inflamed with a renewed sense of anti-Americanism.

Venezuelan Panic and Looting: Crisis Worsens as Food Shortages Reported [VIDEO]

On Friday Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro declared a 60 day state of national emergency. Amid a devastating economic crisis that has resulted in mass looting, the socialist leader has threatened to seize control of factories that have stopped production.

Tucson Police Department Used Illegal Tactics to Determine People's Immigration Status - Group Claims

The American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona has accused the Tucson Police Department of detaining people at traffic stops for an undue amount of time as an illegal tactic in order to investigate their immigration status.

'Last Week Tonight' Host John Oliver Destroys Trump's Wall Plan

Talk show and political comedian John Oliver dedicated a full segment of the March 20 episode of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” to tearing down Donald Trump’s campaign promise to build a border wall between The U.S. and Mexico.

Trump's Campaign Antics Reminiscent of 1960s Segregationist George Wallace

Following a violent week of conflict between supporters and protesters, the comparison between the real estate magnate turned presidential candidate and the Alabama governor seem more apt than ever.

Democrats Introduce Bills to Alleviate Debt Crisis in Puerto Rico

Democrats introduced two bills on Monday meant to extend Puerto Rico more powers to get rid of some of its $72 billion debt.

Donald Trump's Campaign Marred By Violent Incidents

The Trump campaign was marred by several violent incidents over the last week that have caused alarm and criticism from leaders and commentators, both from the Democratic Party and the GOP.

4 Times When Politicians Have Been Compared to Hitler

Comparing a political figure to Adolf Hitler, as the media has begun to do to Trump, could be the worst thing one could say about a candidate.

Puerto Rico Faces Hundreds of Thousands of Zika Infections

The director of the Center for Disease Control, Dr. Tom Frieden, has warned that the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico could soon face Zika virus infections reaching into the hundreds of thousands.

World Leaders Offer Opinions About Donald Trump

As Donald Trump becomes an undeniable force in American politics, foreign officials, leaders and diplomats have become increasingly vocal about their fears over a Trump administration.

Cruz Becomes GOP's Best Chance Against Trump Nomination

In light of Donald Trump's seemingly unstoppable momentum, the GOP is poised to stand behind Ted Cruz, a candidate who was previously seen as too divisive and unpopular to consider.

Bernie Sanders Talks About God

Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders addressed the issue of God in Sunday's debate. 2016 Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders addressed the issue of God in Sunday night's CNN presidential debate.

A Look at Where GOP Candidates Stand on Cuban Immigration

As most of the immigration talk coming from GOP has focused on deploying more border patrol agents and building a wall along Mexico, Republican candidates have spent far less time publically discussing changes that will likely soon come regarding the nation’s policy on Cuban immigrants.

The State of Sanctuary Cities in the US

With top GOP presidential candidates Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio all calling for an end to so-called “sanctuary cities,” the future of safe havens for undocumented migrants has become a core policy issue.

Is the GOP in Danger of Losing Latino Voters?

Despite Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio's strong showings in polls, the Republican party may be tarnished in the eyes of many Latino voters due to Donald Trump's success during the primaries.

Marco Rubio on the Issues: Where the GOP Candidate Stands on Immigration, Healthcare, and More

At 44, Marco Rubio is the youngest GOP candidate vying for the party’s presidential nomination. At 44, Marco Rubio is the youngest GOP candidate vying for the party’s presidential nomination.

Worship and The White House: Ted Cruz Motivated by His Father's Religious Beliefs

The candidate’s father, Rafael Cruz is preacher who espouses the extreme doctrine of dominion. Adherents to the faith believe that Christians have an obligation to take over the government in an effort to save it from the wicked.

Marco Rubio Explains Work on 'Gang of Eight' Immigration Bill

Speaking to voters at a town hall meeting in Rock Hill, South Carolina over the weekend, Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Marco Rubio defended his controversial "Gang of Eight" immigration reform bill.

John Kasich on the Issues

Although not as well-known as his fellow GOP presidential hopefuls, John Kasich, the current governor of Ohio, has been quietly rising in the polls.

Memoirist Domingo Martinez Finds Success by Confronting Repressed Memories & Denial

Domingo Martinez, a Latino memoirist from Brownsville, Texas, burst upon the literary scene with his masterful 2012 book “The Boy Kings of Texas.”

Jeb Bush On the Issues

Although he finished fourth in Tuesday's New Hampshire Republican primary, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is still very much in the race, speaking out against New Hampshire winner Donald Trump on issues such as immigration.

FBI Investigating Hillary Clinton Over Private Emails

The FBI confirmed on Feb. 8 it is investigating Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with regards to her private emails.

Ted Cruz on the Issues

After beating out Donald Trump in the Iowa caucus, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has suddenly become the most likely GOP candidate to head into the 2016 presidential election.

Marco Rubio Defends Repetitive Talking Points

Marco Rubio drew much criticism from media, politicians and voters alike for seemingly repeating his criticisms of President Barack Obama. He will continue to do it.