Articles by Selena Hill

Selena Hill

201-225 (out of 3535)

Latest from this author

Flint Water Crisis: Community Members Gather at Church for Rally, Free Water

Over 100 people attended a rally in Flint, Michigan, on Saturday in protest of the community's man-made water fiasco.

Federal Officials Arrest Two Refugees on Terrorism Charges

Two Palestinian men born in Iraq were arrested separately in the U.S. last week on terrorism-related charges. Federal officials believe both of the men had ties to the Islamic State terror group.

Presidential Polls 2016: Gallup Poll Shows Jeb Bush is the Least Liked GOP Candidate

Despite coming into the 2016 Republican presidential election with a huge advantage, Jeb Bush's net favorability rate has significantly decreased, making him the most unpopular GOP contender in the Republican field.

Muslim Woman Wearing a Hijab Escorted Out of Donald Trump Rally in South Carolina

Police in South Carolina escorted a Muslim woman wearing a hijab out of Donald Trump's presidential campaign rally on Friday after she stood up in silent protest against his hateful anti-Muslim rhetoric.

New York Police Sergeant Charged With Departmental Discipline in Eric Garner Arrest

A New York City police sergeant was served with departmental disciplinary charges on Friday for her role in the chokehold death of Eric Garner in 2014.

2016 Presidential Candidate Marco Rubio Says ISIS is 'Seeking to Exploit' Loopholes in the Immigration System

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio raised alarm about the threat of terrorists illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexican border and called for a tougher U.S. immigration system during a campaign event in New Hampshire on Thursday.

'The Good Wife' Season 7 Episode 11 Spoilers: Ruth and Eli Argue Over Peter's Campaign Strategy in 'Iowa' [Videos]

Peter Florrick will experience drama on the campaign trail when he, his family and his team take a bus trip to Iowa in Sunday's all-new episode.

Presidential Candidate Martin O'Malley May Not Qualify to Participate in Next Democrats Debate

2016 presidential candidate Martin O'Malley may not make the cut to participate in the next Democratic primary debate on Jan. 17 in South Carolina.

8 Wounded, 4 Dead in Chicago Shootings as Obama Announces Gun Control Executive Action

President Barack Obama's executive actions on gun control could not come at a more urgent time.

Monkey Selfie Copyright Lawsuit Dismissed

A federal judge in San Francisco dismissed a lawsuit filed by PETA on behalf of an Indonesian macaque monkey against a wildlife photographer who used the monkey's selfie picture for profit.

Protesters Crash Trump Rally in Vermont

Chaos erupted at a campaign rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Vermont on Thursday, as protesters repeatedly interrupted the GOP front-runner and clashed with his supporters both inside and outside of the event.

Marco Rubio Presidential Campaign Ad 'Football' to Air on NFL Playoffs Weekend

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio released a new campaign ad named "Football" on Friday morning where he talks about his affinity for the all-American sport just in time for the NFL playoff weekend.

US Navy to Name Ship for Civil Rights Icon Rep. John Lewis

The U.S. Navy announced Wednesday that it will name a ship after Democratic Rep. John Lewis of Georgia to honor his legacy as a civil rights hero and tireless fighter for freedom in America.

Hillary Clinton to Get Planned Parenthood Endorsement

Planned Parenthood announced Thursday that it will endorse Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.

Ted Cruz Appoints Anti-Immigrant Congressman Steve King As New Campaign National Co-Chair

2016 Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has tapped Steve King, an infamous anti-immigrant Republican congressman, to serve as a national co-chair for his campaign.

Immigration Reform News: Marco Rubio's Immigrant-Friendly Policies Have Become a Liability in the 2016 Race

Marco Rubio's varying disposition towards immigration reform throughout his political career has come back to haunt him in the 2016 presidential race.

Father Records 10-Year-Old Daughter's 'Uncomfortable' TSA Pat-Down [Watch]

A father is speaking out after he claims his 10-year-old daughter was subjected to an "uncomfortable" screening at a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) airport security checkpoint in North Carolina.

Sandra Bland Arresting Texas State Trooper Charged With Perjury

The Texas state trooper involved in Sandra Bland's confrontational arrest three days before she was found dead in a cell at the Waller County jail last summer has been indicted on a perjury charge.

Transgender Teacher to Open LGBT Private School in Georgia

A new private school in Georgia will open later this year to accommodate lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students and educators.

San Bernardino Shooter’s Friend Pleads 'Not Guilty' to Charges of Terrorism

The man who bought the rifles used in the San Bernardino terrorist attack last month pleaded not guilty to federal charges accusing him of conspiring with one of the shooters and providing material to support terrorists.

Fox News Host: Obama Used 'Raw Onion’ For Fake Tears During Gun Executive Action Speech

A Fox News host slammed President Barack Obama for getting emotional during his speech announcing executive actions to curb gun violence, and even suggested that the president used "a raw onion" to produce fake tears.

Obamacare Repeal Bill Passes House, Goes to Obama's Desk for Likely Veto

Following their midwinter recess, Republicans in Congress moved to send a bill repealing President Barack Obama's signature health care law to the White House on Wednesday.

Oregon Militia Leader Compares Himself to Rosa Parks, Claims Holy Mission

Ammon Bundy, the man spearheading an armed occupation of a federal building in Oregon, caused a stirred on Wednesday when he reportedly compared himself to civil rights icon Rosa Parks.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Names Latina Herminia Palacio as Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Dr. Herminia Palacio, a Cuban American public health official ,as his new deputy mayor for health and human services.

'The Vampire Diaries' Season 7 May Include End for Matt Honeycutt [Watch]

There is a possibility that fans of "The Vampire Diaries" might have to say goodbye to Matt Honeycutt (Zach Roerig) in the second half of Season 7.