american civil liberties union

Civil Rights Group Calls for Probe on Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's Transport Migrant Policy

Civil rights group American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is calling for a probe on Texas Governor Greg Abbott's transport migrant policy.

New Study Finds ICE Medical Neglect Proving Deadly for Detention Center Detainees

A new immigrant rights report finds that, over a two year period beginning in 2010, at least eight people died from inadequate medical care while being held at Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) detention centers across the country.

63 Groups to Homeland Security, Health Departments: Protect Flint's Immigrant Community

Dozens of civil rights and immigrant rights groups have called on the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and Homeland Security (DHS) to provide protections for immigrants living in Flint, Michigan.

CIA Torture Report Leads Lawsuit Against Program Architects

Two psychologists are being sued for endorsing the torture of three detainees at one of the CIA's "black sites."

Kentucky Sheriff Handcuffs 8-Year-Old, Faces Federal Lawsuit

A Kentucky county sheriff is facing a federal lawsuit after a viral online video showed him handcuffing a disabled elementary-school student.

Same Sex Marriage Update: Kentucky Clerk Sued For Refusing to Issue Marriage Licenses

A Kentucky county clerk is being sued for refusing to issue marriage licenses following the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex unions across the nation.

Voter ID Laws: Supreme Court Rejects Wisconsin Photo ID Law Challenge

The U.S. Supreme Court turned down a challenge to overturn Wisconsin's voter identification law. While Wisconsin has an election scheduled in April, the state's voter identification law will be implemented on a later date.

Voter ID Wisconsin: Civil Rights Groups Challenge US Supreme Court to Review Wisconsin Voter ID Law

Civil rights organizations are challenging the U.S. Supreme Court to review a decision that allowed Wisconsin's voter ID laws.

Voter ID Laws Debate: ACLU Files Petition Asking US Supreme Court to Strike Down Wisconsin Law, Deem It Unconstitutional

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a petition Wednesday to ask the United States Supreme Court to review a decision that upheld Wisconsin's voter ID law.

Immigration News Today: Border Patrol, TSA Exempt from New Racial Profiling Policies by Justice Department

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced new guidance to ease racial profiling accusations, but immigrant rights groups have voiced concern about the new steps.

New Jersey County Jails Releasing Inmates Who May Be Eligible for Deportation Despite US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detainer Requests

Some of New Jersey's county jails are avoiding civil rights lawsuits by releasing inmates who may be eligible for deportation.

Same-Sex Marriage Legislation: Confusion Over Gay Marriage in Kansas Ensues Following Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor's Block

On Monday, United States Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor issued an order temporarily blocking gay marriage in Kansas.

Immigration Reform News Update: Immigrant Rights Advocates File Lawsuit to Release FOIA Information on Artesia Detention Facility

Immigrant rights groups have filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the federal government in hopes to release documents pertaining to the expedited removal process of undocumented immigrant families.

Immigration News Update: Undocumented Immigrants Given Bail Rights in Arizona, Court Rules Prop 100 Unconstitutional

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit has struck down an Arizona state constitutional amendment that banned judges from considering bail for undocumented immigrants suspected of a crime.

Voter ID Law Struck Down in Texas, Wisconsin: Courts Rule Against Discriminatory Laws Towards Latinos, Blacks

Federal courts have ruled decision affecting the voter identification laws ahead of November's midterm elections in Texas and Wisconsin.

Immigration Court Update: Lawsuit Victory Allows Detained Immigrants 'Coerced' into ‘Voluntary’ Deportation to Return for Hearings

Following a lawsuit from a civil rights organization, immigration authorities must provide access to proper legal options for detained immigrants.

Immigrants' Rights Groups Sue US Government for Violating Immigration, Deportation Laws Against Mothers, Children

National immigrants' rights groups are suing the U.S. government over claims of lack of due process for "scores" of Central American women and children at the Artesia immigrant detention facility in New Mexico.

Immigration Detention Requests from ICE Gets Denied by Local Iowa County Jails

According to the American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa, the state has stopped accepting requests from federal immigration authorities to host detainees without a court order.

US Surveillance Programs 'Harming' Democracy, Law and Media, Says ACLU and Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) published a 120-page report on how the U.S. national surveillance programs are harming democracy, journalism and law.

Ten Commandments Monument on Oklahoma Capitol Lawn Case Involves ACLU, Supreme Court: 'Satanic Temple' Organization Wants a Statue, Too

As state lawmakers and civil liberties advocates argue over the public placement of a Ten Commandments monument on Oklahoma's Capitol lawn, the Satanic Temple organization aims to balance the scales.

IRS, Other Federal Agencies Hire License-Plate Tracking Company for Civilian Surveillance

In an effort to gain access to "nationwide data" and license plate recognition technology, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies allegedly tapped Vigilant Solutions, a license plate-tracking company, for hire.