Presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is finally happening tonight at the Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland.
The dispute over technology between the U.S. and China will not go away even if Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins the elections in November, according to an analyst.
Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh has told Democratic presidential nominee Biden that he is "rooting against Americans and their prosperity" on Thursday.
U.S. recognition of Russia's takeover of Crimea is not a question of time, Vice President Joe Biden assured Ukrainian leaders on Friday. "The United States will never recognize (the) annexation, and (Biden) warned Moscow that it faces greater isolation if it continues its 'provocative action,'" the Los Angeles Times said.
A pink dwarf planet was recently discovered beyond the edge of the solar system in an area originally described as a celestial wasteland. The planet’s name is short-termed 2012 VP113 and because of its initials, it is also known as “Biden.”