central american immigrants

This Year’s Annual Pilgrimage Event: Caravan of Mothers of Missing Migrants

38 mothers and loved ones participate in the Caravan of Mothers of Missing Migrants event. (Photo : Reuters) According to an article published in 2018 by the IOM UN Migration website, every year the Caravana de Madres de Migrantes Desaparecidos or the Caravan of Mothers of Missing Migrants walk through the streets of Mexico searching for their Mexican children who had disappeared while trying to cross the US-Mexican border.

U.S. Undocumented Immigration Stable, Asians and Central Americans Overtake Mexicans for Largest Incoming Population

Misconceptions about undocumented immigration were debunked with the Pew Research Center's newest report. Immigration into the U.S. is declining and the number of Middle Eastern arrivals remains relatively small.

Immigration Reform News: Immigration Lawyers Win Class-Action Status in Lawsuit Against Border Patrol

A federal judge granted immigration lawyers’ request to provide them class-action status in a lawsuit that accuses the U.S. Border Patrol of holding immigrants in "inhumane and punitive conditions" at its Arizona facilities.

Immigration Reform News: John Kerry Announces Plans to Expand Refugee Program

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced in a speech Wednesday plans for the United States to expand the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program to help thousands of Central Americans who have illegally crossed the border in a desperate attempt to escape ongoing violence.

Immigration Activists Protest Reported Government Plan to Deport Central American Families

Dozens of immigrants and activists marched to the White House on Wednesday in protest of the U.S. government's reported plan to conduct deportation raids on Central American families.

Immigration Reform News: The Border Surge Pushes Backlog of Pending Immigration Court Cases to 2019

The backlog in immigration court cases -- which has been piling up for the last decade -- has only gotten worse since thousands of undocumented children fled Central America and migrated to the U.S. last summer.

Immigrant Child Crisis: Honduran President Blames Drug War for Immigration of Children to US

Honduran President: UN needs to pay attention to violent drug war his country is caught in the middle of

Immigration Reform News 2014: Obama Administration sticking to Deadline for Immigration

Obama Administration sticking to deadline for immigration reform In keeping a self-imposed deadline in three weeks, President Barack Obama and his legal advisers have been working on immigration reform options, Bloomberg reports.

Immigration Reform Law News 2014: Second GOP Congressman Voices Concern Over Ebola Risk Among Migrant Children

Two GOP Reps are concerned with the Ebola virus outbreak coming into the US from migrant children in Mexico and Central America.

Senate Fails to Pass Bill Addressing Immigration Crisis; House Republicans Propose Two More Immigration Bills

House Republicans delayed their congressional recess to propose amended bills that address the immigration border crisis.

Border Immigration Bill Unlikely to Pass Before Congressional Recess

Democrats' immigration reform bill thats aims to curb the high number of unaccompanied child migrants from crossing into the U.S. is unlikely to pass before summer recess, while Republicans are seeking to pass their own immigration bill.

Immigration Border Crisis News 2014: Obama Outlines Plan With Central American Leaders to Address Migrant Children

Leaders from three Central American nations met with President Obama late last week to discuss possible ways to curb the influx of unaccompanied child migrants from journeying to the United States, as well as how to manage those who already crossed the border.

Central American Immigrant Children News: More Than 30,000 Released to Family, Sponsors in US

After seeing an influx of thousands of unaccompanied immigrant children, the federal government has started placing a majority of the 57,000 with family or friends.

Jose Antonio Vargas Leaves McAllen Airport After Brief Detainment

The prize-winning journalist and illegal immigrant has skirted authorities since he was 12, but was finally handcuffed at a border town in Texas with nothing but a Filipino passport to identify him. When asked by Border Patrol for a U.S. ID he said he didn't have one and was handcuffed -- nearly three years after outing himself as one of the 11 million in the country illegally.

Immigration Activist Jose Vargas Is Detained While Leaving Texas Airport

Vargas, who is known for his coverage of the Virgina Tech shootings and for revealing his identity as an undocumented Filipino immigrant -- who moved to California at the age of 12 -- has been detained in the border town of McAllen in Texas.

Central America & Undocumented Immigrants: Mexico Vows to Restrict Illegal Travel

After a cargo train derailment in Mexico Wednesday, officials vow to curb the influx of illegal passengers risking their lives to enter the U.S. via Mexico.
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