A detention quota mandated by Congress is placing LGBT undocumented immigrants directly in harm's way, according to a report from the Center for American Progress. Not only does the Congressional quota require the Department of Homeland Security to maintain bed space to jail 34,000 immigrants each day, at a cost to taxpayers of more than $2 billion every year, the policy puts LGBT undocumented immigrants at a risk of sexual assault that is 15 times higher than that of their heterosexual counterparts.
Cesar Chavez is running for a seat in Congress, but it's not the late workers rights icon. Instead, the candidate is a former Republican who is being criticized for using the reference to wrongfully drum up support.
Since President Barack Obama introduced his healthcare reform law near the beginning of his presidency, GOP lawmakers have staunchly opposed it while many have vowed to repeal it.
For the first time in U.S. history, Congress approved a measure that would prohibit the federal government from interfering with states' medical marijuana laws.
On Monday the president is expected to reveal a new rule through an executive order that would essentially reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.
GOP Tea Party voters and conservative Republicans have verbalized the need to press forward with immigration reform. In spite of this, President Barack Obama has delayed a review of deportation policies, which won’t be addressed until the end of the summer, in hopes that Congress will approve a complete overhaul of immigration laws.
Formerly known as International Worker's Day, May Day traditionally represents a celebration of workers' rights. However, during the past decade in the U.S, it has become a day to advocate for several issues, including immigration reform and raising the national minimum wage. "Si se puede!" -- Yes, we can -- rang throughout the air as immigration reform and undocumented immigrants' rights were the main focus of this year's march.
During a speech event in John Boehner's Ohio hometown on Thursday, the House Speaker reportedly mocked his fellow GOP Congress members for the gridlock that has stalled immigration reform.
A recent report released from the offices several U.S. lawmakers revealed several issues regarding the use of electronic cigarettes that include the lack of age restrictions and no uniform warning labels.
A report from Heider College of Business at Creighton University calculated smartphone consumers could save billions a year if manufacturers enabled a "kill switch."
President Obama is preparing to offer legislation to make good on his promise to reform the National Security Agency's bulk collection of U.S. phone records, also known as metadata. Whether or not that legislation passes through Congress is yet to be seen.
More than a week after Facebook Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg phoned President Barack Obama to voice his frustrations regarding the recent surveillance scandal at the NSA, he was invited to the White House on Friday to discuss Americans' privacy concerns and NSA reform.