COVID-19 tests

White House to Restart Free COVID-19 Tests Program

White House is eyeing to restart its free COVID-19 tests program, which will then be shipped by the U.S Postal Office to the homes of Americans availing them.
Joe Biden Administration Ending the Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests Order to Preserve Supply

Joe Biden Administration Ending the Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests Order to Preserve Supply

U.S. President Joe Biden's administration has announced the end of the free at-home COVID-19 tests orders. The program will be stopped on Friday, according to a senior Biden administration official.
Tinder Is Giving Out Free COVID-19 Tests to Revive in-Person Dating

Tinder Is Giving Out Free COVID-19 Tests to Revive in-Person Dating

Dating and starting a healthy relationship amid a pandemic can be extremely difficult, but Tinder has found a way to meet your date.
COVID-19 Tests

COVID-19 Tests Can Accurately Identify New Virus Variants, Some Lab Companies Claim

The leading testing companies and laboratories in the United States said their COVID-19 tests are ready to accurately identify new virus variants as they emerge.
Trump Admin: COVID-19 Tests Taking Longer Than Two Days to Be Completed Will See Pay Cuts

Trump Admin: COVID-19 Test Results Taking Longer Than 2 Days Will See Pay Cuts

Labs that take longer than two days to deliver COVID-19 test results will see pay cuts on Jan. 1. Labs that take longer than two days to deliver COVID-19 test results will see pay cuts on Jan.

FDA Rushed COVID-19 Tests to Meet Demands. How Accurate are They?

The US FDA has approved multiple COVID-19 tests at the beginning of the pandemic. However, top medical experts now question the accuracy of these tests, raising the likelihood of them giving false results.
COVID-19 Free Testing

Free COVID-19 Testing: Churches Serving African-Americans and Latinos

African-Americans and Latinos in New York will have another round of free COVID-19 testing on June 19, and another one may be conducted this summer by different churches and the state government..
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced they made COVID-19 testing available to any individual who wants to be tested and now, the city finds itself with overly excessive unused testing kits amid the countrywide shortage.

Everybody Can Get Tested for COVID-19 in LA and now, There is Surplus in Unused Kits in the City

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced they made COVID-19 testing available to any individual who wants to be tested and now, the city finds itself with overly excessive unused testing kits amid the countrywide shortage.

Why Do Many Rural US Counties Have Zero COVID-19 Cases?

Find out here why many rural US counties have no COVID-19 cases. (Photo: Wikimedia) COVID-19 has reached many regions of the United States of America. Most of the cases in the country are primarily in big urban areas.
COVID-19 Test

Is a COVID-19 Test Free?

Vice Pesident Mike Pence announced on how the COVID-19 testing in the country will work for insured and not insured citizens in the country.
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