democratic party

2016 Election: Hillary Clinton Tapped Young Latina Xochitl Hinojosa to be Director of Coalitions Press

Clinton has just tapped just Xochitl Hinojosa to be the new director of coalitions press, placing her in charge of Hispanic, black, and women-related media.

President Obama's Approval Rating Improves Among Millennials, Latinos

President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party members in Congress received better approval ratings than Republicans based on polling data on millennials.

Millennials Demographic Trends: Democratic Party Preferred Among Millennials Ahead of 2016 Presidential Election

Harvard University Institute of Politics found millennials prefer the Democratic Party to win the 2016 presidential election in convincing fashion.

2016 Election Polls: Hillary Clinton Encounters Setback in New Hampshire Poll With Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio

The 2016 New Hampshire primary, which will be the country's first national party primary election, could spell trouble for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton depending on her Republican challenger.

Immigration Reform News: Hillary Clinton Vows to Support a Pathway to Citizenship

Hillary Clinton proposed "a path to full and equal citizenship" for undocumented immigrants during an appearance at a Las Vegas high school on Tuesday. The Democratic candidate moved to the left of her Republican opponents.

Hillary Clinton Election News: Democratic Candidate Tops Republican Candidates in Recent Poll

Clinton continues to outdo her Republican opponents, maintianing a favorable rating among the likely presidential candidates for 2016.

Obama Approval Rating: Voters Disapprove President, Congress Handling Immigration, Economy Issues

Immigration and the economy have remained as the top issues among registered voters, based on new polling data.

Democratic Party Nomination: Bernie Sanders Running for President

Sen. Sanders will announce his formal candidacy late in May, becoming the first Democratic Party contender to Hillary Clinton.

Democratic National Committee Names Pablo Manriquez as Director of Hispanic Media

As the 2016 presidential election season continues, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced its new hire for the director of Hispanic media role.

Libre Initiative Executive Director Daniel Garza Identifies Economic Freedom, 2016 Election's Impact on Latinos

With the 2016 presidential election slowly gaining speed with candidates from major political parties announcing their bid, one organization has been engaging with the Latino community founded on principles of economic freedom.

2016 Presidential Election Polls: Marco Rubio Leads GOP Pack, Runs Best Against Hillary Clinton, New Poll

It is a good week for Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., one of the confirmed Republican Party presidential candidates. New polling data has Rubio ahead against fellow GOP candidates and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Marco Rubio 2016 Platform: 'DACA Is Important,' Says GOP Presidential Candidate, But Program Should End

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., the second Cuban-American Republican presidential candidate, said President Barack Obama's 2012 deferred action program "is important," but he wants to see the end of the deferred action program.

Hillary Clinton Announces 2016 Candidacy for President in YouTube Video

Hillary Rodham Clinton officially joined the race for the 2016 Presidential elections on Sunday. Hillary Rodham Clinton officially joined the race for the 2016 Democratic Presidential ticket on Sunday.

2016 Presidential Election: Interest Lower Than 2008 Election; Bush, Clinton Families Don't Influence Votes

Interest for the 2016 presidential election is reportedly lower compared to the previous two presidential election cycles, according to polling data.

Bob Menendez Charged on Federal Corruption Charges; Latino Leaders React

U.S. Sen Bob Menendez, D-N.J., was officially indicted by a New Jersey grand jury on corruption charges on Wednesday.

Presidential Election 2016: Martin O’Malley Talks About Potential Run, Says Presidency Is Not 'Some Crown' Passed 'Between Two Families'

O'Malley commented on Wall Street's hold on D.C. and the need for a strong leader. Though he did not formally announce his candidacy, he strongly hinted at it by attacking and distancing himself from Hillary Clinton.

Harry Reid Retiring in 2016: Senate Minority Leader, Nevada Democrat Announces Retirement

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid announced his retirement and will not seek re-election in 2016. In a video message titled "Thank You!" Reid said his facial injuries result him to have "little down time" and take into consideration several issues.

Joaquin Castro, Second-Generation Mexican-American, Named Democratic Chief Deputy Whip

U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, has climbed higher in the Democratic Party ranks as the second-generation Mexican-American lawmaker was named Thursday as the new chief deputy whip of the Democratic Party for the 114th Congress.

2016 Presidential Polls: Hillary Clinton's Favorability Rating Higher Than GOP Presidential Field

While no one has thrown their hat into the 2016 presidential race, new numbers show that presumptive Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton appears to have the highest favorable rating against all potential GOP candidates despite controversy regarding her U.S. State Department emails.

Net Neutrality Vote FCC Results: President Obama, Democrats Praise FCC on Net Neutrality Vote; Republicans Blast Decision

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has voted on new "Open Internet" policies, and politicians from the Legislative and Executive Branches have mixed reactions to the decision.

TURNOUT: Latino Decisions' Sylvia Manzano Explains Immigration's Impact on Hillary Clinton, GOP Ahead of 2016 Election

With a Latino turning 18 years old every 30 seconds, the Latino vote has become an influential electorate for political candidates, and Latino Decisions has been analyzing the constituency’s opinions even more as the 2016 presidential election nears.