Derek Chauvin

Court Thinking to Reinstate Third-Degree Murder Charge vs. Derek Chauvin

The Minnesota Court of Appeals is deliberating whether to reinstate a third-degree murder charge against Derek Chauvin, the police officer in Minneapolis involved in the killing of George Floyd.

4 Ex-Minneapolis Cops Involved in George Floyd's Death to Be Tried Together

A judge has rejected the request of the defendants to move the location of the trial for the four former Minneapolis cops charged in George Floyd's death.

Minneapolis Officer Charged with George Floyd's Murder Could Still Receive $1M Pension Even When Convicted

An analysis revealed the former Minneapolis police officer could receive over $50,000 a year--- part of which is paid by taxpayers.

George Floyd's Brother Testifies in Court, Believes Chauvin's Actions were 'Personal and Premeditated'

Philonise Floyd, brother to 46-year-old African American George Floyd, has made an appearance to Congress on Wednesday where he claims his sibling's death was "personal and premeditated."

Judge Sets Derek Chauvin's Conditional Bail at $1.25 Million in First Court Appearance

The former police officer charged with second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter for killing an African-American man two weeks ago was given a conditional bail of $1.25 million on Monday.
Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin poses for a booking photograph

Officer Charged with George Floyd's Murder Accused of 'Illegally' Voting in Florida

Derek Chauvin, a former police officer who was arrested and charged for the murder of 46-year-old George Floyd, was accused of illegally voting in Florida while living in Minnesota in 2016 and 2018.