The drama-packed Lifetime series "Devious Maids" recently aired the finale, and it has yet to be renewed for the fourth season. Nonetheless, both fans and show creators believe that the Lifetime network will offer fans continued access to their favorite characters. No doubt, the maids are devious, but will they be prosperous?
"Whiplash," the 10th episode of the third season of "Devious Maids" was an exciting prelude to the 11th episode, "Terms of Endearment," which will air next Monday.
Episode 6 of the third season of "Devious Maids," titled "She Done Him Wrong," was a crazy, twisted episode that involved blackmail, S&M and near-death encounters. However, the seventh epsode of the season will be even crazier.
"Devious Maids," the Monday night comedy-drama hit, continues to enthrall and wow fans as the band of maids continue to surprise viewers with risqué behavior, intrigue and enduring drama.
Blanca, portrayed by Naya Rivera, disappeared during the last moments of last week's episode of "Devious Maids," and fans are anxious to learn what happened to one of the most cunning and devious maids of them all.
Snapshots from episode 3 of "Devious Maids," titled "The Awful Truth," have been released, and they offer a peek into the shocking episode, revealing stunning photos from Zoila and Javier's wedding and much more.
Season 3 of the hit Lifetime series "Devious Maids" has already exposed its viewers to high levels of drama and intrigue after just two episodes, but the suspense-filled show isn't done yet
Season 3 of "Devious Maids" premieres tonight, and the show's producer Eva Longoria recently spoke on her involvement with the hit Lifetime drama, as well as the freshman NBC series "Hot and Bothered."
The sizzling hot summertime phenomenon "Devious Maids" will return to the small screen soon, and the third season of the Eva Longoria-produced series will bring fans up-to-date about life after the deadly shooting that took place at Rosie and Spencer's wedding during the finale, which likely left someone dead.
The June episode guide for season 3 of the hit Lifetime series "Devious Maids" has made its way to the web, and fans should be strapped in prior to the debut, because season 3 will take them for a relentlessly bumpy ride.
Roselyn Sánchez and the other maids are getting downright devious this upcoming season, following the shooting at Rosie and Spence's wedding during the final moments of season 2.
Season three of the Lifetime series "Devious Maids" will return on June 1st, and fans will bear witness to reshuffling of the cast, with former regulars leaving or moved to the rear, while some interesting new additions are maneuvered to the forefront. Also, fans can look forward to the aftermath of the shooting.