The drama-packed Lifetime series "Devious Maids" recently aired the finale, and it has yet to be renewed for the fourth season. Nonetheless, both fans and show creators believe that the Lifetime network will offer fans continued access to their favorite characters. No doubt, the maids are devious, but will they be prosperous?


"I am very optimistic," showrunner Brian Tanen told the Hollywood Reporter regarding "Devious Maids" getting picked up for Season 4. "The show has been exciting and fun this year and I'm hopeful that Lifetime will give us a fourth season. It's not in my hands, but I'm optimistic. We should have an answer about a potential season four by the end of September."

The showrunner is so certain about the show's future that he's already begun teasing viewers about what's in store for the characters. He expressed that writers and producers have discussed many strategies, but each year they deviate from their plan as they plot the storylines and decide new characters. Right now, "it's a little bit in the air."

Executive producer of the series, Sabrina Wind shared more concrete insight on the approaching season during an interview with TVLine. While Wind's lips remained sealed about Adrian Powell's possible survival following the explosion during the Season 3 finale, she did confirm that certain plot points will be a "great story to tell," if they are renewed and allowed to tell that story. Taylor and Katy shouldn't be expected during the fourth season, but fans shouldn't believe their absence will be permanent. Wind stated, "We really thought of that as a beautiful way to end their story; they're happy and safe from the cartel."

During the Season 3 finale, the cartel swarmed Beverly Hills and the mother-daughter team fled town to live safely under their new identities, Abby and Rosie. However, Taylor's husband Michael doesn't make it out alive; killer and Carmen's former beau, Sebastian, shot him to death. While his death wasn't always definite, it was decided that there was a need for "some serious repercussions in the finale.

"Somebody probably had to die and it would be a really big and shocking moment, the kind of moment that would let the audience know this was a seriously dangerous situation that we were playing for life and death. That came up as we were writing the finale," he explained.

The writers of the show let Brett Cullen know his character, Michael, would be departing during the Season 3 finale, and he apparently took it well, according to Tanen. Cullen confessed that he expected that he would be revealed to be a villain or would be killed off during the third season, and was simply waiting for the news.

With an explosive end to the season, many wonder if the finale drew enough ratings to ensure that the series wouldn't be cancelled without a proper ending. According to the numbers, the show did show improvement. With a 0.6 rating in the 18-49 demographic, it also raked in 1.53 million viewers, which is an all-season high.

However, it's impossible know if the latest demographic ratings are high enough to justify Lifetime ordering more episodes. Certainly, the storyline about Sebastien and the murders beckoned more viewers, but has the show devised a plot that will continuously attract new viewers and viewers who were attentive in the past?

The decision about "Devious Maids" is expected to be announced by the Lifetime network within a few weeks.