Diversity in the Workplace

Reasons Why a Diversified Workforce Can Lead to Your Company’s Growth

A lot of businesses are currently struggling due to the COVID-19 crisis, and every company is excited to get back to business and grow. Here are some reasons why a diversified workforce can help your business grow.

Diversity in Tech: U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to Discuss Solutions, Reveal New Report

Silicon Valley continues to struggle with its lack of diversity, but many firms are now funding initiatives, adjusting policy, and actively seeking solutions. Now, two years after Google began the trend, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is finally joining the conversation in an active way.

'Added Value' Why Increasing the Number of Latino and Black Public School Teachers Matters

The ratio of teachers from backgrounds shared with their students continues to drop drastically, as the demographic shift in the young population far outpaces any changes in the public school system's hiring of teachers from underrepresented backgrounds. What should be done?

Diversity in Tech: Slack Hires Engineer Who Quit Twitter Citing Lack of Diversity

The software engineer that publicly called out Twitter for its stifling, un-diverse leadership culture while leaving the company last year has a new job at Slack.

Diversity in Tech: Slack's Second Diversity Report Shows More Rapid Progress Than Most of Silicon Valley

Despite posting some industry standard-setting statistics, like the majority of Silicon Valley companies, Slack admits it still has a long way to go.

Diversity in Tech: Intel's Diversity Report Shows Imperfect Progress, Sets a Standard for Depth and Transparency

Intel is one of the cornerstones of Silicon Valley, which famously has a diversity problem. Intel, not surprisingly, is not very diverse. But the company has been pushing for action on diversity, and its latest report -- though showing halting progress within its own workforce -- is setting a standard for the industry with its depth and transparency.

Diversity in Tech: Dropbox's 2015 Report Shows Bits of Progress Among Mostly Static Figures

Dropbox finally dropped its diversity report for 2015, and like many other Silicon Valley companies, it shows that the company has slightly improved in some aspects, while declining in others. Here are the details.

Diversity in Tech: Facebook Taps the NFL's Playbook to Increase Diversity in Hiring

Facebook latest diversity innovation, one that's beginning to show results, was borrowed from professional football.

Kapor Capital Seeks to Build Diversity Into the Bedrock of Startups with 'Founders' Commitment'

Venture capital firm Kapor Capital has decided to boost diversity in the next generation of Silicon Valley companies, by building commitments to it early.

Diversity in Tech: ASU Launches Center for Gender Equity in Science & Tech to Empower Women of Color in STEM

The multifaceted problem of diversity in technology has caught the attention of companies, nonprofits, academics, and the federal government. Now Arizona State University has launched a new Center for Gender Equity in Science and Technology to address the reasons why so few women and girls of color pursue or persist in technology careers.

Diversity in Tech: Intel Exceeded 2015 Hiring Goal and Met Parity in Employee Retention

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich took the stage at the Consumer Electronics Show on Tuesday night to deliver the company's keynote speech, which included an impressive update on the company's progress on diversity.

After a Tumultuous Year, Twitter Hires New Chief From Apple to Tackle Diversity in 2016

After a bad year on Wall Street and a diversity spat with a former senior engineer that went public, Twitter has decided to replace its head of diversity and inclusion.

Facebook & Lean In's Sheryl Sandberg on How Everyone Can Promote Diversity

Silicon Valley has a diversity problem, and despite working for a year to create more diverse workplaces with higher levels of Latinos, blacks and women, progress has been slow. But there are bright minds at work on solutions, which is one reason why Facebook COO and LeanIn.org Founder Sheryl Sandberg discussed diversity during an "ask me anything" style Q&A on Quora this week.

Diversity in Tech: Why Haven't Amazon & Dropbox Released 2015 Transparency Reports Yet?

It's not everyday that you see news about something that hasn't happened, but in the case of diversity in Silicon Valley, the fact that Amazon and Dropbox have not issued diversity reports for 2015 is beginning to garner attention.

Diversity in Business: Growth of Latinos in Executive Positions 'Relatively Flat,' 'Worrisome' - Report

Silicon Valley has gotten a lot of attention for its lack of workforce diversity, but many of those problems of underrepresentation of minorities in the technology industry can be found in the greater business world in the U.S.

Diversity in Tech: Microsoft Announces 'Modest' Progress, But Female Representation Slips

Silicon Valley has a diversity problem. Mostly white men work in technology, and white men hold the vast majority of leadership positions as well. In the past couple of years though, many influential technology firms have been working to fix the dearth of underrepresented minorities in their workforces. But in the latest diversity report from Microsoft, it appears that part of the company's diversity problem has actually gotten a little worse.

Is Twitter's Diversity Problem the Root of its Growth Problem? One Ex-Engineer Thinks So

In August, Twitter released a diversity report outlining how little diversity there is at the company, along with a set of goals to increase the presence of underrepresented voices in the company that could be described either as modest, or outright disappointing.

MARKETPLACE: Daniel Villao Knows the Smart Path to Diversity

"In a nutshell, my life's work is really about creating access." Silicon Valley has a diversity problem, and judging from the small annual increase in the number of women and minority hires at tech giants like Apple, Google, and Facebook, progress has been slow.

Diversity in Tech: Are Twitter's 2016 Promises Disappointing or Just Realistic?

It's probably a little of both. Late last week, Twitter published an announcement on its blog regarding the company's diversity goals. Depending on your perspective, they are either modest and realistic, or just disappointing.

Google Diversity: Company Has Very few Latino and Black Employees

Google is a company consisting mostly of white and Asian males. Google is a company consisting mostly of white and Asian males. The company has tried to diversify its workforce by hiring women for one out of every five computer programmers and other high paying jobs last year, The Grio reported.

Intel, Google Announce New Diversity in Silicon Valley Initiatives

Intel has announced its 2015 plan for a more diverse workforce, and Google has joined in with its own $150 million initiative to get more women, African Americans, and Latinos into technology.