
New Hampshire Elections 2014: Republican Candidates Marilinda Garcia and Scott Brown Gain Momentum in New Polls

GOP New Hampshire congressional candidates Marilinda Garcia and Scott Brown have improved their odds to win their respective races in the Granite State based on new polling data.

Senate Election 2014: Kentucky Candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes' Attack Ad Ask "Where Was Mitch McConnell?"

With less than two weeks remaining for Kentucky residents to register to vote, the state's secretary of state launched an attack advertisement against Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., accusing him of being absent on important matters in Congress.

Election 2014 Polls: Republican Party Leads 'Generic' Congressional Vote Poll Among 'Likely' Voters

A "generic" congressional election poll vote gave the Republican Party the advantage if elections were held today. "Heading into the final weeks before the midterm elections, Republican and Democratic voters are split not only over their candidate preferences, but also about the importance of key issues in the election," noted the Pew Research Center.

President Barack Obama Defends Delay in Immigration Executive Order

President Barack Obama has delayed announcing any potential executive action on immigration until after November's midterm elections. According to Obama, the reason for the delay was not to benefit Senate Democrats hoping to hold onto their narrow majority in the chamber.

Alaska Governor Race 2014: Democratic and Independent Candidates Merge Campaigns in State with Growing Latino Population

The gubernatorial race has narrowed in Alaska as two candidates merged their campaigns against incumbent Republican Gov. Sean Parnell.

Presidential Elections 2016: Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney Favored Presidential Candidates with Double-Digit Lead in Iowa Poll

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney are leading polls in the first state scheduled to host a 2016 presidential referendum: Iowa.

Presidential Primary Schedule 2016: Nevada Caucus, South Carolina Primary Dates Moved for Minority Populations

Primary and caucus dates for the 2016 presidential primary elections have been announced for Nevada and South Carolina, and they will be contested on later dates than in 2012.

2016 Presidential Elections: Iowa Caucus, New Hampshire Primary Dates Confirmed; Iowa Democrats Propose Changes

Preparations for the 2016 presidential elections are underway as the Democratic National Committee announced the dates for the first caucus of the campaign.

More Millennial Entrepreneurs Likely to Vote in 2014 Midterm Elections Than 2012, 'Skeptical' of Political Parties

More millennials are planning to vote this November than in 2012, yet the demographic's turnout is still lower than any other age group.

Republicans Favored to Win US Senate If Elections Were Held Today, Says Poll Estimates

The Republican Party is projected to take the U.S. Senate following the November elections, based on survey estimates.

'Movimiento Hispano' to Engage, Increase Latino and Millennial Voter Turnout for Midterm Elections

A coalition of Latino organization has teamed to relaunch a two-year campaign aimed to mobilize and educate Latinos for the midterm elections.

State Sen. Adriano Espaillat Concedes 13th Congressional District Election: Did Espaillat's Dominican Heritage Help Rep. Charles Rangel?

He would have been the first Dominican-born member of the United States Congress, but for New York State Sen. Adriano Espaillat's Democratic primary election run for the 13th Congressional District, it was about policy, rather than being first in the history books.

Obamacare Law Still Unpopular, But Healthcare Law Provisions Receive Popular Support, Says Poll

With the midterm election season underway, public opinion of the Affordable Care Act could hinder Democrats in the voting booths. According to new polling figures, the mandate for every American to receive health insurance, or Obamacare, received a 52 percent disapproval rating, but opinions to repeal the law decreased.

Latin America Political News: Colombia Peace Talks Continue as Government, Rebels Meet in Havana

Peace talks continue despite upcoming Colombian elections and the rise of rumors and scandal. Another round of peace talks begun in Havana on Tuesday between the Colombian government and the rebel group FARC.

Afghanistan Journalist Attack and Death: Associated Press Photographer Killed, Reporter Wounded Covering Afghan Elections

An Associated Press photographer was killed and another AP reporter was wounded Friday in Afghanistan after a police officer shot at both of them while the two were sitting their car.