Eric Schneiderman

Immigration News 2016: Immigrant Students Allegedly Denied Education in New York School District

A 15-month investigation conducted by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's office found one Long Island School District denied enrollment to unaccompanied immigrant students.

Donald Trump: U.S. Judge Gonzalo Curiel 'Has Been Extremely Unfair... Because of the Wall'

Donald Trump is accusing a judge overseeing a case regarding Trump University of being biased because of his Hispanic heritage.

Trump University Scandal: Leading GOP Candidate Still Facing Lawsuit Claiming Students Were 'Scammed' Out of Millions

A pending lawsuit in the Manhattan Supreme Court charges that at least 600 former students of the now defunct Trump University, founded by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, were scammed out of millions of dollars, $5 million of which New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman argues directly landed in the real estate mogul's pockets.

Fake NYC Hedge Fund Manager Moazzam 'Mark' Malik Charged With Pretending to Be Dead to Avoid Paying Investors

A fake New York City hedge fund manager is being held on $1 million cash bail after allegedly stealing as much $850,000 from investors, going as far as to claim he had died of a heart attack to avoid returning any of their money to them.

Macy's, New York State Settle Racial Profiling, False Detention Complaints Against Latinos, African Americans

Retail store Macy's agreed to pay $650,000 to settle a 16-month investigation into allegations of racial profiling and false detentions of its customers.

New York City's Herald Square Macy's Department Store to Pay Thousands for Racial Profiling, Report on New Policies for 3 Years

On Tuesday, Macy's signed a deal with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to pay $650,000 for a settlement in allegations of racial profiling in its flagship store in Herald Square, New York City.

Fund Started for Victims of New York Immigration Nonprofit Groups: Eduardo Juarez Reportedly Took Thousands From Clients, Some Deported

On Monday, New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced a $2.2 million restitution fund for those who were scammed by TV and radio star and Spanish-language newspaper columnist Eduardo Juarez, who reportedly took money from thousands of undocumented immigrants under the lure of citizenship.
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